Eine offizielle Website der Regierung des Bundesstaates Alabama.

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Wann ist die Lizenz fällig?

Die Jahreslizenz gilt für den Zeitraum vom 1. Oktober bis zum 30. September. Die Lizenz muss jedes Jahr im Oktober erneuert werden. Die Lizenz wird am 1. November fällig.

Yes, Alabama allows resident individuals to claim a tax credit for income taxes imposed by other states. This credit is claimed on Form 40, Schedule CR. A copy of the other state’s return and a copy of the state Schedule K-1 should be included as documentation of this credit.

If the individual does not file an individual income tax return in the other state or the state provides an exclusion of income, include a proforma return calculating the tax at the other state’s rate and a copy of the state Schedule K-1 as documentation of this credit.

Note: Any Pass-Through Entity tax deducted on the Pass-Through Entity’s federal return, which reduces the taxable income reported on the owner’s K-1, should be added back to compute Alabama taxable income.

No, if the current title is an Alabama ELT there is no cost to print a physical title.

However, once an ELT is printed on physical title paper it can not be printed again. A replacement title application must be applied for if a replacement is needed.

Yes, Alabama does issue ELTs. If a designated agent (non-licensing official) is set-up for ELT, then any titles issued recording their lien will be issued as an ELT.

ALDOR’s titling system, ALVIN, features a VIN decoder that populates this information.

However, there will be occasion where it will not be pre-populated. Sometimes it will populate the information after a vehicle trim is selected.

It is recommended to look up the vehicle year, make, model, and specifications in a Google-type search to see if you are able to find the unladen weight or GVWR.

Another alternative is the NHTSA VIN decoder (https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/decoder/). It will sometimes provide this information for vehicles.

If all else fails and you still can’t determine the unladen weight, then you can enter the same amount as was entered or pre-populated for the GVWR.

For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, any Alabama S corporation, as is defined by §40-18-160, Code of Ala. 1975, and any Subchapter K Entity as is defined by §40-18-1, Code of Ala. 1975, may elect to be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity.

Yes, any Alabama S corporation, as is defined by §40-18-160, Code of Ala. 1975, and any Subchapter K Entity as is defined by §40-18-1, Code of Ala. 1975, may elect to be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity.