Sitio web oficial del gobierno del Estado de Alabama.

El .gov significa que es oficial

Los sitios web gubernamentales suelen terminar en .gov o .mil. Antes de compartir información sensible, asegúrate de que estás en un sitio oficial del gobierno.

El sitio es seguro

El sitio https:// garantiza que se está conectando al sitio web oficial y que cualquier información que proporcione está encriptada y se transmite de forma segura.


ALDOR will file liens against taxpayers whose files are transferred to Collection Services. A tax lien is recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate in any county where the taxpayer resides or owns property. The tax lien includes property, and it places competing creditors on notice that ALDOR claims an interest in the property for a tax liability due. Tax liens are often noted on a taxpayer’s credit report by credit reporting agencies and may adversely affect one’s ability to obtain credit. The tax lien is released once the liability is paid in full.

For more information regarding tax liens and your tax liability, please see Plain Talk II Collection of Your Tax Liability.