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Audit and Appeals

Audit and Appeals conducts reviews and appeals within Alabama and throughout the country to ensure taxpayer compliance with Alabama tax laws and assists taxpayers and the department to resolve disputes in a way that is fair and impartial to the taxpayers and the state.

Audit and Appeals Forms


실제 주소

앨라배마 국세청
50 N. 리플리 세인트
몽고메리, AL 36104

환불 핫라인
개인 소득세
법인 소득세
통과 - 스루 엔티티 (S-군단, 파트너십, 신탁, 부동산, 신탁)
사업 특권세
금융 기관 소비세
비즈니스 계정 등록
Individual Income Tax Compliance Unit
Individual Income Tax Return Audit and Review
Individual Hearings

부서 소개

Audit and Appeals conducts reviews and appeals within Alabama and throughout the country to ensure taxpayer compliance with Alabama tax laws and assists taxpayers and the department to resolve disputes in a way that is fair and impartial to the taxpayers and the state.


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