前往当地的执照颁发官员处缴纳所需的恢复费(第一次停牌 200 美元;第二次及以后停牌 400 美元),并提供当前阿拉巴马州责任保险的投保证明。
请保险公司访问 "Be Sure to Insure Alabama"网站,向 ALDOR 提供验证通知书上所要求的验证日期的车辆承保确认。保险人必须以保险人的信笺抬头提供该确认函,并通过保险人的电子邮件地址提交,以便我们知道该回复是由保险人直接提供的。
ALDOR 将使用这些信息与保险公司核实您的保险范围。
前往当地的执照颁发官员处缴纳所需的恢复费(第一次停牌 200 美元;第二次及以后停牌 400 美元),并提供当前阿拉巴马州责任保险的投保证明。
If the vehicle was in exempt (stored, inoperable, or other unused) status, then visit your local licensing official to claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee. A registrant may claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee once during the registration period by applying to the local licensing official to revoke the vehicle’s registration for the remainder of the registration period and be exempted from the reinstatement fee. See Admin. Rule 810-5-8-.06 for further details.
The registrant will need to visit their local licensing official to provide documentation (bill of sale, etc.) to complete the revocation process.