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Sheriff’s Sale of Delinquent Property

  • Sheriff’s Sale of Delinquent Property

To bid on State Property acquired through a Sheriff’s Sale for unpaid tax final assessments, visit EBuy, ALDOR’s Online Sealed Bid Property Sale Website.

ALDOR is only offering the right, title, and interest in and to the property to the highest bidder. The property will be sold subject to all prior encumbrances of record. It is the duty of the bidders to determine the liens, if any, that may be a prior encumbrance on the property.

Before any property is listed for sale on this website, there is a one-year right of redemption period allowed. After the right of redemption has expired as provided in §40-29-28(b), Code of Ala. 1975, the property can be sold at any specified date and time at ALDOR’s discretion.