Официальный сайт правительства штата Алабама.

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Что мне делать, если моя форма W-2 неверна?

Вы должны получить от своего работодателя исправленный отчет об удержании (форма W-2C).

Вы должны получить от своего работодателя исправленный отчет об удержании (форма W-2C).

Похожие часто задаваемые вопросы в Индивидуальный подоходный налог, Отчеты W2

Yes, Alabama allows resident individuals to claim a tax credit for income taxes imposed by other states. This credit is claimed on Form 40, Schedule CR. A copy of the other state’s return and a copy of the state Schedule K-1 should be included as documentation of this credit.

If the individual does not file an individual income tax return in the other state or the state provides an exclusion of income, include a proforma return calculating the tax at the other state’s rate and a copy of the state Schedule K-1 as documentation of this credit.

Note: Any Pass-Through Entity tax deducted on the Pass-Through Entity’s federal return, which reduces the taxable income reported on the owner’s K-1, should be added back to compute Alabama taxable income.

Individual taxpayers needing assistance with the credit claim process or who have questions about available tax credits should call the Individual Income Tax Audit and Appeals Division at 334-353-9770.

Individuals that have a My Alabama Taxes account should complete the following steps:

  • Log in to using your user ID and password.
  • Scroll to the Individual Income Tax portion of the page and select “Submit a Credit Claim” located in the Tax Incentives box.
  • Введите информацию, запрашиваемую для заявки на кредит: тип кредита, период подачи, сумма кредита, а также загрузите вложения (включая документацию, полученную для подтверждения разрешения на кредит). Выберите "Далее".
  • Просмотрите информацию, введенную на этапе 4. Выберите "Previous" для редактирования информации или выберите "Submit" для отправки кредитного заявления на рассмотрение.


Individuals that do not have a My Alabama Taxes account and are unable to create one should complete the following steps:

  • Go to the My Alabama Taxes homepage (www.myalabamataxes.alabama.gov).
  • Scroll to the “Individuals” box and click “Submit an Individual Credit Claim.”
  • Enter the requested taxpayer information: full legal name, Social Security number, email address, and contact number. Select “Next.”
  • Enter the requested information for the credit claim: Credit Type, Filing Period, Credit Amount Requested, and upload attachments (include documentation received to verify the authorization of the credit). Select “Previous” to return to Step 3 to edit the information or “Next” to review the credit claim.
  • Просмотрите информацию, введенную на этапе 4. Выберите "Previous" для редактирования информации или выберите "Submit" для отправки кредитного заявления на рассмотрение.

If the credit is from a Schedule K-1 issued by a pass through entity, the credit claim will be submitted by the pass-through entity, and no action is required by the individual. The credit claim must be submitted by the entity and approved by the Alabama Department of Revenue before the credit will be allowed on an individual’s income tax return. The pre-certification process must be completed by each entity that was allocated a credit until the credit is allocated to the individual claiming the credit. Additional information about credit pre-certification for pass-through entities can be found at https://revenue.alabama.gov/tax-incentives/.

These credits will be subject to an approval process when the tax return is filed claiming the credit. The following are credits that do not require pre-certification by an individual income taxpayer through My Alabama Taxes:


  • Налоговый кредит на усыновление в Алабаме
  • Credit for Transferring from Failing Public School to Nonfailing Public or Nonpublic School
  • Alabama Accountability Act Credit – Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) portion*
  • Investment Credit (Alabama Jobs Act)**
  • Порт-Кредит
  • Зачет налогов, уплаченных другим государствам
  • Кредит двойного зачисления
  • Growing Alabama Credit***
  • Innovating Alabama Credit***
  • Rural Physician Credit
  • Alabama Enterprise Zone Act Credit
  • Credit for Taxes Paid to a Foreign Country
  • Подоходный налог Капитальный кредит


*Alabama Accountability Act Credit – Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) portion – The process for reserving a donation to an SGO remains unchanged. Only pass-through entity filers are required to complete the new pre-certification process in My Alabama Taxes for donations made to an SGO when the Alabama Accountability Act Credit is passed through to its members.


**Investment Credit (Alabama Jobs Act) – The approval of this credit is managed through the Department of Commerce. Once the Department of Commerce has approved the annual certification, ALDOR will notify the investing company to complete an allocation schedule through My Alabama Taxes. See https://revenue.alabama.gov/tax-incentives/.


***Growing Alabama Credit and Innovating Alabama Credit – The process for reserving a donation to an EDO remains unchanged.

All credits that require pre-certification must be submitted through My Alabama Taxes. Individual filers can remit the necessary information through their individual income tax account in My Alabama Taxes, or by selecting the “Submit a Credit Claim” option from the “Other links” menu in My Alabama Taxes. The credits that require pre-certification by individual income tax filers are:


  • Кредит на уголь
  • Закон о полной занятости 2011 года
  • Закон о трудоустройстве ветеранов - кредит для работодателей
  • Veterans Employment Act – Business Start-up Expenses Credit
  • Qualified Irrigation/Reservoir System Credit
  • 2013 Налоговый кредит на восстановление исторических зданий в Алабаме
  • Налоговый кредит на ученичество
  • Налоговый кредит на восстановление исторических зданий в Алабаме в 2017 году
  • Закон о модернизации железных дорог 2019 года
  • Storm Shelter Credit
  • Volunteer Emergency Responders Tax Credit
  • Neighborhood Infrastructure Incentive Plan Credit*
  • Вознаграждение за просмотр фильмов в Алабаме


*The Neighborhood Infrastructure Incentive Plan Credit – This credit expired in 2015. However, there may be some individual income tax filers that still qualify to claim this credit since there is a 10-year period over which the credit can be claimed.