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  • 身份盗窃和税务欺诈

常见问题分类 / 税务:身份盗窃和税务欺诈


  • 别人以你的名义报了税。
  • 在你没有报税的那一年,你有一个逾期的余额或收款行动。
  • 你发现国税局对你从未工作过的雇主的工资记录进行了确认。








  • Identity Theft.gov(联邦贸易委员会)。
  • 从身份盗窃中恢复 (联邦贸易委员会)
  • 国税局身份保护提示(国税局)
  • 保护你的投资(社会安全局)
  • 身份保护。预防、检测和受害者援助(国税局)
  • 联邦贸易委员会。与税收有关的身份盗窃 (联邦贸易委员会)

If you were affected by the IRS Get Transcripts breach, please know that we have taken internal steps within our system, noting that you were affected by the IRS Get Transcripts data breach. You will automatically be notified when ALDOR receives a tax return that has been filed using your Social Security number, alerting you to the possibility that criminals have your information and are using it to steal money from you and the state. You will be sent a verification code and will be asked to verify whether or not you filed a return by going to My Alabama Taxes and clicking on the "Verify My Return" link.

  • 收到 ALDOR 发出的任何通知后,应立即做出反应;按照通知上的说明操作或拨打所提供的电话号码。
  • 如果你没有收到通知,请致电334-353-9770联系我们的合规部。
  • 填写 INV ID1 表 -身份盗窃宣誓书,并邮寄到表上的地址。
  • 继续缴税并提交报税表,即使您必须使用纸质报税表。在纸质报税表中包括:身份盗窃宣誓书、有照片的身份证件(驾驶执照或无驾驶执照的身份证件)复印件,以及一份额外的身份证明,如水电费账单或银行对账单。

ALDOR 接受您的退税申请后,可能会要求您完成五分钟的身份确认测验。身份确认测验是旨在保护您的身份和退税的一部分。一旦您完成测验并确认身份,ALDOR 将继续处理您的报税表。被要求参加测验的纳税人将收到寄往报税表上地址的邮件通知。通知中将包括完成测验的具体说明。

与税务相关的身份盗窃是指有人利用盗取的社会安全号码申报退税,骗取退税款。一般来说,犯罪分子会在年初使用你的社会安全号码进行虚假报税。在您收到 ALDOR 的通知或试图报税时才发现已经有人使用您的 SSN 报税时,您可能还不知道自己是受害者。

If you have registered at My Alabama Taxes and have access to your Individual Income Tax account, you can opt-in to a service that will notify you when ALDOR receives Individual Income Tax returns that have been filed using your Social Security number. This service can help alert you to the possibility that criminals have your information and are using it to steal money from you and the state. You can opt-in by logging into your My Alabama Taxes account and following the link "Notify Me of Filed Returns."

My Alabama Taxes is the convenient and secure way to access a variety of ALDOR's online services. In My Alabama Taxes you can quickly and easily file tax returns, make payments, view letters, manage your accounts, and conduct other common transactions with ALDOR.