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  • 我已经在保险公司投保多年,为什么保险公司不确认我的车辆的保险?


提供给当地发牌官员的车辆识别号码(VIN)、保险单号码或全国保险委员协会(NAIC)号码之间的差异可能不同,可能导致保险公司无法核实车辆的保险范围。为确定可能的VIN差异,登记人应检查其保险卡和登记收据上所列的VIN,以发现任何差异。 如果登记人的保险卡上的VIN不正确,登记人应联系他们的保险公司,以纠正信息。 如果登记人认为登记收据上反映的VIN不正确,登记人应向当地的许可官员查询。

Differences between the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), insurance policy number, or National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number provided to local licensing officials could result in the insurer being unable to verify insurance coverage for the vehicle. To determine a possible VIN discrepancy, you should check the VIN listed on your insurance card and registration receipt to find any discrepancies. If the VIN on your insurance card is incorrect, you should contact your insurer to get the information corrected. If you believe the VIN reflected on your registration receipt is incorrect, you should check with your local licensing official.


Not necessarily. On a periodic basis, ALDOR attempts to verify insurance for all registered vehicles. If insurance coverage cannot be verified for a vehicle, ALDOR will mail an MLI verification notice to the address on the vehicle registration and/or email the registrant (if email address is available) asking for evidence of insurance on the vehicle.

登记人在登记车辆时,必须向发牌官员提供保险信息(保单号码、NAIC #、保单类型),包括更新。 该信息由税务局使用在线保险核查系统(OIVS)来验证车辆保险。

ALDOR 使用在线保险验证系统 (OIVS) 通过以下方法确定车主是否按照强制责任保险 (MLI) 法投保责任保险:

  • ALDOR 采用实时验证程序,直接与保险公司联系,对在本州登记的每辆受 MLI 法律管辖的车辆进行机动车登记审查。
  • ALDOR 收到通知,称与车辆登记相关的阿拉巴马州驾驶执照已被公共安全部吊销或撤销。
  • ALDOR 收到通知,称因未遵守或拒绝遵守执法人员关于在车辆上显示保险证据的要求而被开罚单。
  • ALDOR 将对从保险公司收到的任何未经确认的答复采取后续行动,向注册人发送调查问卷,试图获得最新的保单信息(ALDOR 还要求保险公司每月提供一份有效保单档案,以确保注册记录得到更新,从而确认承保范围)。

The online insurance verification system (OIVS) uses web services for real-time verification of policy information with insurers. The OIVS is accessible to ALDOR, licensing officials, and law enforcement. If OIVS does not return a “confirmed” response, the registrant will be required to present the evidence of insurance document. ALDOR will continue to attempt to verify the policy information submitted and will follow up on any unconfirmed responses received from the insurer by sending a verification notice to the registrant.

Differences between the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), insurance policy number, or National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number provided to local licensing officials could result in the insurer being unable to verify insurance coverage for the vehicle. To determine a possible VIN discrepancy, you should check the VIN listed on your insurance card and registration receipt to find any discrepancies. If the VIN on your insurance card is incorrect, you should contact your insurer to get the information corrected. If you believe the VIN reflected on your registration receipt is incorrect, you should check with your local licensing official.