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No certificate of title shall be issued for a vehicle for which the Alabama license plate issuing official has verified that the current owner or operator is listed on a currently effective certificate of title issued by another state and the certificate of title is held by a recorded lienholder. A vehicle normally subject to the Alabama title law would be required to be registered without obtaining an Alabama certificate of title first if all of the following requirements are met:
If the owner has requested that a Michigan, Montana, South Dakota or Wyoming title be mailed to the lienholder, the owner must provide documentation from that state that title was mailed to the lienholder in order to be exempt from titling the vehicle in the State of Alabama.
In this situation a lien release is required because at the time the lienholder originally released the lien the department was not notified. When you lost the Alabama certificate of title, the lien release was also lost. If the title is not submitted to this department to have the lien removed and the title is lost, the owner must obtain a lien release statement in order to obtain a replacement (lien free) title.