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If you were affected by the IRS Get Transcripts breach, please know that we have taken internal steps within our system, noting that you were affected by the IRS Get Transcripts data breach. You will automatically be notified when ALDOR receives a tax return that has been filed using your Social Security number, alerting you to the possibility that criminals have your information and are using it to steal money from you and the state. You will be sent a verification code and will be asked to verify whether or not you filed a return by going to My Alabama Taxes and clicking on the “Verify My Return” link.
Identitätsdiebstahl liegt vor, wenn jemand Ihre persönlichen Daten - wie Ihre Sozialversicherungsnummer, Kreditkarten- oder Bankkontonummern, Passwörter usw. - in die Hände bekommt, um Sie zu betrügen oder Verbrechen zu begehen. Sie könnten ein Opfer von Identitätsdiebstahl sein, wenn:
Der Sicherheitsgipfel hat eine Sensibilisierungskampagne gestartet, um Sie besser über die Notwendigkeit zu informieren, Ihre persönlichen, steuerlichen und finanziellen Daten online und zu Hause zu schützen. Immer wieder fallen Menschen cleveren Cyberkriminellen zum Opfer, die sie zur Preisgabe von Sozialversicherungsnummern, Kontonummern oder Passwörtern verleiten. Die Kriminellen wiederum nutzen diese Informationen auf vielfältige Weise, u. a. für die Einreichung betrügerischer Steuererklärungen.
Schützen Sie sich vor Identitätsdiebstahl
Identity thieves have many ways to obtain your personal information. However, there are a number of precautions you can take to minimize your risk. This video provides five tips you can use to protect yourself against identity theft and fraud.
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If you were affected by the IRS Get Transcripts breach, please know that we have taken internal steps within our system, noting that you were affected by the IRS Get Transcripts data breach. You will automatically be notified when ALDOR receives a tax return that has been filed using your Social Security number, alerting you to the possibility that criminals have your information and are using it to steal money from you and the state. You will be sent a verification code and will be asked to verify whether or not you filed a return by going to My Alabama Taxes and clicking on the “Verify My Return” link.
Once your return is accepted by ALDOR, you may be asked to complete a five-minute ID Confirmation Quiz. The ID Confirmation Quiz is part of an effort designed to protect your identity and your tax refund. Once you have completed the quiz and your identity has been confirmed, ALDOR will continue processing your tax return. Those taxpayers asked to take the quiz will receive notification by mail sent to the address on the return. The notification will include specific instructions for completing the quiz.
Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your stolen Social Security number to file a tax return claiming a fraudulent refund. Generally, a criminal will use your SSN to file a false return early in the year. You may be unaware you are a victim until you receive a notice from ALDOR or try to file your taxes and learn one already has been filed using your SSN.
If you have registered at My Alabama Taxes and have access to your Individual Income Tax account, you can opt-in to a service that will notify you when ALDOR receives Individual Income Tax returns that have been filed using your Social Security number. This service can help alert you to the possibility that criminals have your information and are using it to steal money from you and the state. You can opt-in by logging into your My Alabama Taxes account and following the link “Notify Me of Filed Returns.”
My Alabama Taxes is the convenient and secure way to access a variety of ALDOR’s online services. In My Alabama Taxes you can quickly and easily file tax returns, make payments, view letters, manage your accounts, and conduct other common transactions with ALDOR.