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NOTICE Annual Wholesale Oil License Fee Return

Verwandte Abteilung
Posted: September 1, 2023

The annual wholesale oil license fee return is due on October 16, 2023, for the periods of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. If your company was issued a Supplier License, Permissive Supplier License, or an Importer License by the department, then the return must be submitted. The wholesale oil license fee return (B&L:MFTWOLF) can be viewed on ALDOR’s website at https://revenue.alabama.gov/forms/.

Please note that electronic filing is mandatory, and all returns must be filed through My Alabama Taxes at https://myalabamataxes.alabama.gov. Any wholesale oil license fee liability exceeding $750 must be paid electronically. Log in to your account between October 1, 2023, and October 16, 2023, to submit the required return and payment.

Produkte, die nicht der Großhandelslizenz/Einfuhrgebühr für Öl unterliegen:

  • Diesel fuel exported from this state for which proof of export is available in the form of a
    terminal issued shipping document.
  • Biodiesel, der an einen lizenzierten Lieferanten verkauft wird, wenn er an ein Terminal geliefert wird.
  • Transmix.

Wenn Sie Fragen zu diesem Hinweis haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Büro unter der unten angegebenen Adresse, Telefonnummer oder E-Mail-Adresse.

Business and License Tax Division
Motor Fuels Section
P.O. Box 327540
Montgomery, AL 36132-7540
334-242-9608, option 6, option 2

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