Abschnitte 40-25-1 bis 40-25-29, und 40-25-40 bis 40-25-47, Code of Alabama 1975.
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Abschnitte 40-25-1 bis 40-25-29, und 40-25-40 bis 40-25-47, Code of Alabama 1975.
Verkauf, Lagerung, Verwendung oder Verteilung von Tabakerzeugnissen durch Großhändler, Einzelhändler und Verbraucher.
0,675 $ für jede Packung mit 20 Zigaretten. Für andere Tabakerzeugnisse wie Zigarren, gefilterte Zigarren, Zigarrenhüllen, Rauchtabak, Kautabak und Schnupftabak variieren die Sätze je nach Gewicht oder Anzahl der erhaltenen Zigarren.
24,44% wie folgt:
75,56% wie folgt:
Saldo - Allgemeiner Fonds für Medicaid-Leistungen
Sonstige Tabakerzeugnisse 100% - Allgemeiner Fonds
Non-participating manufactures are to make quarterly escrow deposits by January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31.
Amounts to be placed into the escrow fund, as adjusted for inflation, are $.0188482 per unit sold.
For cigarettes (state and state-administered counties), tax is paid by affixing stamps. For other tobacco products, a report ( state and state-administered counties) shall be submitted to the state with the appropriate tax remitted.
File and remit to ALDOR, Business and License Tax Division, Tobacco Tax Section, by the 20th of the month for the stamps purchased on consignment or products handled during the preceding month.
In addition to state tobacco taxes, cigarettes and other tobacco products are subject to taxation at the local level. The local tobacco taxes range from $0.04 to $0.25 per pack of cigarettes and other tobacco products of various packages and containers and up to 0.25 per package of rolling papers.
Municipal taxes, where applicable. are collected and administered by the municipality or its designated agent.