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MEMO 2024-004 Redesigned License Plate

División relacionada
Posted: August 27, 2024


TO: Licensing Plate Issuing Officials
SUBJECT: Redesigned License Plate (MVD Memo 2024-004)
DATE: August 27, 2024

The Talladega College license plate has been redesigned and will be available for issuance beginning
September 1, 2024. A supply of prenumbered license plates based on the number of current registrations in each country has been ordered and should be arriving soon. Personalized license plates may be ordered on demand through the ALVIN system. You may also place additional license plate orders using the ALVIN system.

The tag numbering scheme for the license plate may be found at under “License Plate and Registration
Information” then “Fee Schedule” then “Registration File Information.”

Por favor, póngase en contacto con la División de Vehículos de Motor en el 334-242-9000 si tiene alguna pregunta.

Descargue el pdf de esta nota.