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Former Jefferson County Constable Pleads Guilty to Tax Charge

관련 부서
Posted: April 29, 2024

MONTGOMERY – Jonathan Barbee, 45, of Trussville, Ala., pleaded guilty on April 23 to a charge that he willfully failed to file a state income tax return. Barbee was elected Constable of Jefferson County’s 48th District in 2016.

After a joint investigation by ALDOR and the Alabama Attorney General’s Special Prosecutions Division, Barbee was indicted and turned himself in on December 20, 2022. That indictment charged Barbee with using his position or office to pay his wife and his father for traffic control, or cause them to be paid for traffic control, through the Constable Office bank account. These two charges were dismissed by the Attorney General’s Office. The remaining three counts charged that Barbee willfully attempted to evade or defeat state income taxes for tax years 2018–2020.

Barbee received a 12-month suspended sentence and was placed on probation for one year. During his probation, Barbee is required to file his tax returns and pay taxes, penalties and interest.

State income tax is a primary revenue stream for the Education Trust Fund. ALDOR will continue to use all available resources to achieve our mission of efficiently and effectively administering the revenue laws in an equitable, courteous and professional manner to fund governmental services for the citizens of Alabama.


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