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MEMO 2024-005 New IRP Assigned Renewal Month

관련 부서
Posted: October 7, 2024


TO: License Plate Issuing Officials
SUBJECT: New IRP Assigned Renewal Month (MVD Memo 2024-005)
DATE: October 4, 2024

To ensure that International Registration Plan (IRP) registrations are evenly staggered throughout the
registration year, all NEW IRP accounts will be assigned the renewal month of June, and ad valorem taxes for these accounts should be collected through June 30 of each year.

IRP 계정에 할당된 갱신 월말까지 각 IRP 등록 차량에 대해 광고 valorem 세금을 징수해야 합니다(메모 2014-19 참조).

The month of June will be the default assigned renewal month for new IRP accounts during the period November 1, 2024, thru October 31, 2025.

IRP와 관련하여 궁금한 점이 있으면 334-242-9000, 옵션 3으로 전화하십시오.

이 메모의 pdf를 다운로드하십시오.