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Tax Delinquent Properties for Sale Search

You may search for transcripts of properties currently available by County, CS Number, Parcel Number, or by the person’s name in which the property was assessed when it sold to the State.

Once you have found a property for which you want to apply, select the CS Number link to generate an online application. In the online application, enter your information as it should appear on any documents issued to you. Name changes will not be permitted. All fields are required. Once you complete and submit the application, you will receive a notice of a successful submission. A price quote will be generated for accepted applications and applicants will receive the quotes via email exclusively.

CS NumberCounty CodeDocument NumberParcel IDYear SoldAssessed ValueAmount Bid at Tax SaleNameDescription
211700012100012120020310080010001737602258.66RANDOLPH, HENRYBEG INST S LE CARY ST & W LE S JORDAN ST S ALG 125
2117000221000221200204401000100117360871.93STRAUGHN, ROBERT EBEG 225.63' W OF SW INT OF MAGNOLIA AVE & KING ST
21200001210001212002044010005000208002252.31BOONE RICHARD0.88 AC BEG WHERE S LE OF SE1/4 INST W OF MAGNOLI
212000022100022120020440010050002015804429.17FRIERSON TERRAL JBEG AT INT N/MAR STELLA ST AND W/MAR MAGNDIA ST TH
21200003210003212002031008014000205002479.6LIKELY ROSA LEE & HOWARDBEG SE 450' ON W SIDE RD FROM INST S LE CARY ST &