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Автомобили регистрируются через отделы выдачи номерных знаков в округе, в котором проживает владелец. Если владельцем является фирма, корпорация или ассоциация, транспортное средство регистрируется в том округе, в котором оно используется или эксплуатируется. Примечание: в округе Джефферсон продление регистрации транспортных средств производится в нескольких городах (Клэй, Гувер, Айрондейл и Веставия-Хиллз).
International Registration Plan (IRP) trucks and truck tractors, operating to points outside the state of Alabama, are registered through Motor Vehicle's Motor Carrier Services Unit.
Motor vehicles owned by the state, a county, a municipality, a public utility department, or a volunteer fire department are registered through Motor Vehicle's Registration Section.
Complete the form to Reserve a Pre-Commitment Plate available through MyDMV.
Both documents are available for reprint and can be requested by either contacting the MVD , or your license plate issuing official who has access to both documents and can reprint them as needed.
The sponsoring organization should be contacted regarding any request for a refund. This information is available from: https://mydmv.revenue.alabama.gov/TAP/?link=PrecomPlt .
Title - For any motor vehicle requiring a certificate of title, the vehicle owner must first apply for an Alabama certificate of title through a designated agent of the Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR).
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)/Ownership Documentation Inspection - When a certificate of title is not required, only a registration is issued. The licensing official or their appointed deputy is required to inspect the vehicle prior to issuing a registration each time there is a change in ownership of the vehicle along with the ownership documentation (bill of sale, court order, properly assigned certificate of origin, or any other documentation as specified by ALDOR). An inspection is not required for a registration renewal.
Mandatory Liability Insurance - The motor vehicle must be covered by an Alabama liability insurance policy prior to registration. License plate issuing officials will attempt to verify liability insurance utilizing the State of Alabama Online Insurance Verification System (OIVS) when issuing or renewing vehicle registrations. If insurance cannot be verified through OIVS, vehicle owners must provide evidence of insurance to the license plate issuing official. The insurance card is the most common evidence of current insurance.
Федеральный налог на использование тяжелых транспортных средств (FHVUT), если применимо - При регистрации грузовиков и седельных тягачей с полной массой 55 000 фунтов и более регистрант должен предоставить доказательство уплаты федерального налога на использование тяжелых транспортных средств до выдачи регистрации. Этот налог уплачивается в налоговую службу, и в качестве подтверждения оплаты выдается форма 2290.
После выполнения всех необходимых условий чиновник, выдающий лицензию, взимает необходимые регистрационные сборы и адвалорные налоги и выдает номерной знак. Посетите веб-страницу " Номерные знаки", чтобы ознакомиться с регистрационными сборами и дизайном различных номерных знаков Алабамы.
У владельца транспортного средства есть 20 календарных дней с момента покупки или приобретения транспортного средства, чтобы зарегистрировать его без применения штрафных санкций или начисления процентов. Если 20-й день выпадает на воскресенье, законный выходной или день, когда офис лицензионного чиновника закрыт, то последним днем считается следующий за ним рабочий день.
The requestor may search and reserve a personalized message on MyDMV or visit the license plate issuing office to determine if the requested letters and/or numbers are available for issuance. If available, the issuing official will collect the appropriate registration fees and taxes and issue a registration receipt, a 60-day temporary license plate, and month and year decal to be placed on the new license plate. The license plate will be shipped from the manufacturing facility to the registrant (usually within 6-8 weeks).
If the requestor reserves a plate message online, once the message has been approved by ALDOR, the requestor has five calendar days to visit the license plate issuing official’s office to place an order and pay all required fees. If the requestor fails to register the message within the prescribed time frame, the message becomes available to the general public.
The registrant is subject to payment of the standard registration fees based on the vehicle type, plus an annual additional fee. To view registration fees for the various Alabama license plates, visit the License Plates webpage.
Alabama law authorizes the issuance of distinctive and personalized license plates to automobiles and pickup trucks with a gross vehicle weight not to exceed 12,000 pounds, and, in many cases, motor homes. It is important to note that military plates and license plates with the International Symbol of Access are restricted to pickup trucks with a gross vehicle weight not to exceed 8,000 pounds.
To determine what types of vehicles a license plate may be displayed on, visit the License Plates webpage .
Sponsoring organizations:
Submit an application for a new Distinctive License Plate Category to the Alabama Department of Revenue at MyDMV. The sponsoring organization must be a 501(c)(3), a state agency (including in-state colleges/universities), or an out-of-state college or university. Applicants should review the General Procedures of the Legislative Oversight Committee before submission.
For more information related to the application process and package, visit Motor Vehicle and click on Distinctive Plates in the Distinctive Plates dropdown.
If you wish to purchase a precommitment, visit MyDMV to reserve a plate.
ALDOR maintains fiscal year statistics on the number of license plates issued.
Visit Registrations Statistics to view these statistics.
A penalty of $15 plus interest is assessed for anyone who: