所有权- 对于任何需要所有权证书的机动车辆,车主必须首先通过阿拉巴马州税务局 (ALDOR) 指定的代理机构申请阿拉巴马州所有权证书。
车辆识别码 (VIN) / 所有权文件检查- 在不需要所有权证书的情况下,只发放登记证。每次车辆所有权发生变更时,发证官员或其指定的副手都必须在发放登记之前对车辆进行检查,同时附上所有权文件(销售单、法院命令、适当转让的原产地证书或 ALDOR 规定的任何其他文件)。登记续期不需要检查。
强制责任保险- 机动车在注册前必须投保阿拉巴马州责任保险。车牌发放官员在发放或更新车辆登记时,将尝试使用阿拉巴马州在线保险验证系统 (OIVS) 来验证责任保险。如果无法通过 OIVS 核实保险,车主必须向车牌发放官员提供保险证明。保险卡是最常见的当前保险证明。
联邦重型车辆使用税 (FHVUT)(如适用)--在登记车辆总重为 55,000 磅或以上的卡车和卡车牵引车时,登记人必须提供联邦重型车辆使用税的付款证明,方可获得登记。该税款已支付给美国国税局,并收到 2290 表作为付款收据。
自购买车辆之日起,车主可在20个日历日内办理车辆登记手续,且无需支付罚金或利息。如果第 20 天是星期日、法定节假日或发证官办公室休息日,则下一个工作日为最后一天。
国际注册计划 (IRP) 卡车和卡车牵引车在阿拉巴马州以外的地点运营时,须通过机动车辆部的汽车承运人服务部门进行注册。
任何人如有以下行为,将被处以 15 美元的罚款和利息
Alabama registers vehicles under a staggered registration system, January through November, based on the first letter of the owner’s last name. Motor vehicle registrations expire on the last day of the designated renewal month. For example, someone whose last name begins with the letter F, G, or N is required to register his/her vehicle in the month of April, and the previous registration expires on April 30.
Leased, commercial, and fleet vehicles are subject to renewal in the months of October and November, and the registrations for these type of vehicles expire on November 30.
Vehicles registered pursuant to the International Registration Plan (IRP) are assigned renewal registration months by ALDOR.
Please visit Vehicle Licensing Offices to view counties that offer online registration renewals.
No. Some plates are available only to members of a particular organization. Select a distinctive license plate on the Motor Vehicle Division's License Plates web page to determine the availability of a license plate. The message under each plate image indicates whether the plate can be personalized, how many alphanumeric characters are permitted, and who is permitted to obtain the plates.
The requestor may search and reserve a personalized message on MyDMV or visit the license plate issuing office to determine if the requested letters and/or numbers are available for issuance. If available, the issuing official will collect the appropriate registration fees and taxes and issue a registration receipt, a 60-day temporary license plate, and month and year decal to be placed on the new license plate. The license plate will be shipped from the manufacturing facility to the registrant (usually within 6-8 weeks).
If the requestor reserves a plate message online, once the message has been approved by ALDOR, the requestor has five calendar days to visit the license plate issuing official’s office to place an order and pay all required fees. If the requestor fails to register the message within the prescribed time frame, the message becomes available to the general public.
阿拉巴马州法律允许向车辆总重量不超过 12,000 磅的汽车和皮卡车发放独特的个性化车牌,在许多情况下也包括汽车旅馆。值得注意的是,军用车牌和带有国际通行标志的车牌仅限于车辆总重不超过 8000 磅的皮卡车。
要确定车牌可用于哪些类型的车辆,请访问车牌网页 。
Submit an application for a new Distinctive License Plate Category to the Alabama Department of Revenue at MyDMV. The sponsoring organization must be a 501(c)(3), a state agency (including in-state colleges/universities), or an out-of-state college or university. Applicants should review the General Procedures of the Legislative Oversight Committee before submission.
For more information related to the application process and package, visit Motor Vehicle and click on Distinctive Plates in the Distinctive Plates dropdown.
If you wish to purchase a precommitment, visit MyDMV to reserve a plate.