정부 웹 사이트는 종종 .gov 또는 .mil로 끝납니다. 민감한 정보를 공유하기 전에 공식 정부 사이트에 있는지 확인하십시오.
https:// 는 귀하가 공식 웹 사이트에 연결하고 귀하가 제공 한 모든 정보가 암호화되어 안전하게 전송되도록합니다.
Complete the form to Reserve a Pre-Commitment Plate available through MyDMV.
Both documents are available for reprint and can be requested by either contacting the MVD , or your license plate issuing official who has access to both documents and can reprint them as needed.
The sponsoring organization should be contacted regarding any request for a refund. This information is available from: https://mydmv.revenue.alabama.gov/TAP/?link=PrecomPlt .
Title - For any motor vehicle requiring a certificate of title, the vehicle owner must first apply for an Alabama certificate of title through a designated agent of the Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR).
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)/Ownership Documentation Inspection - When a certificate of title is not required, only a registration is issued. The licensing official or their appointed deputy is required to inspect the vehicle prior to issuing a registration each time there is a change in ownership of the vehicle along with the ownership documentation (bill of sale, court order, properly assigned certificate of origin, or any other documentation as specified by ALDOR). An inspection is not required for a registration renewal.
Mandatory Liability Insurance - The motor vehicle must be covered by an Alabama liability insurance policy prior to registration. License plate issuing officials will attempt to verify liability insurance utilizing the State of Alabama Online Insurance Verification System (OIVS) when issuing or renewing vehicle registrations. If insurance cannot be verified through OIVS, vehicle owners must provide evidence of insurance to the license plate issuing official. The insurance card is the most common evidence of current insurance.
연방 중차량 사용세(FHVUT)(해당되는 경우 ) - 차량 총중량이 55,000파운드 이상인 트럭 및 트럭 트랙터를 등록할 때 등록자는 연방 중차량 사용세 납부 증명서를 제출해야 등록증을 발급받을 수 있습니다. 이 세금은 국세청에 납부되며, 납부 영수증으로 양식 2290이 수령됩니다.
전제 조건이 충족되면 라이선스 담당 공무원이 필요한 등록 수수료와 부가가치세를 징수하고 번호판을 발급합니다. 다양한 앨라배마주 번호판의 등록 수수료와 번호판 디자인을 확인하려면 번호판 웹 페이지를 방문하세요.
차량 소유자는 차량 구매 또는 취득일로부터 달력으로 20일 이내에 벌금이나 이자 부과 없이 차량을 등록할 수 있습니다. 20일이 일요일, 법정 공휴일 또는 면허 담당 공무원의 사무실이 휴무일인 경우 다음 영업일이 마지막 날로 계산됩니다.
자동차는 소유자가 거주하는 카운티의 번호판 발급 사무소를 통해 등록됩니다. 소유자가 회사, 법인 또는 협회인 경우 자동차는 자동차가 사용 또는 운영되는 카운티에 등록됩니다. 참고: 제퍼슨 카운티에서는 여러 도시에서 자동차 등록 갱신을 처리합니다(클레이, 후버, 아이론데일, 베스타비아 힐스).
International Registration Plan (IRP) trucks and truck tractors, operating to points outside the state of Alabama, are registered through Motor Vehicle's Motor Carrier Services Unit.
Motor vehicles owned by the state, a county, a municipality, a public utility department, or a volunteer fire department are registered through Motor Vehicle's Registration Section.
이를 위반한 사람에게는 $15의 벌금과 이자가 부과됩니다:
Alabama registers vehicles under a staggered registration system, January through November, based on the first letter of the owner’s last name. Motor vehicle registrations expire on the last day of the designated renewal month. For example, someone whose last name begins with the letter F, G, or N is required to register his/her vehicle in the month of April, and the previous registration expires on April 30.
Leased, commercial, and fleet vehicles are subject to renewal in the months of October and November, and the registrations for these type of vehicles expire on November 30.
Vehicles registered pursuant to the International Registration Plan (IRP) are assigned renewal registration months by ALDOR.
Please visit Vehicle Licensing Offices to view counties that offer online registration renewals.
No. Some plates are available only to members of a particular organization. Select a distinctive license plate on the Motor Vehicle Division's License Plates web page to determine the availability of a license plate. The message under each plate image indicates whether the plate can be personalized, how many alphanumeric characters are permitted, and who is permitted to obtain the plates.