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앨라배마 국세청
50 N. 리플리 세인트
몽고메리, AL 36104
Income Tax administers individual income tax, business privilege tax, corporate income tax, partnerships, S-Corporation, fiduciary and estate tax, financial institution excise tax, and withholding taxes for businesses and individuals. For a complete listing of forms, visit the forms page.
과세 소득 또는 이익이 있는 개인에게 부과되는 연간 세금.
The Business Privilege Tax is an annual tax levied for the privilege of being organized under the laws of Alabama or doing business in Alabama (if organized under the laws of another state or country).
The Fiduciary Income Tax is an annual tax imposed on the taxable net income earned from all sources by resident estates or trusts. Income with business situs in Alabama or from real property located in Alabama by non-resident trusts and estates.
Alabama Partnerships, Limited Liability Entities and S-Corporations are required to file annual information return. Income is calculated on the pass-through entity informational return, either Form 65 or Form 20S. The income is reported, and taxes paid on the partners’ (individual or corporate) income tax returns.
고용주가 종업원으로부터 원천징수한 세금.
개인 및 기업을 위한 전자 정보.
전문가를위한 정보 및 양식.
알라바마 책임법에 따라 지침을 읽고, 문서를 찾고, 양식에 액세스하십시오.
세무 관리자 연맹은 비즈니스 특권, 신탁, 기업 및 파트너십 소득 신고서의 전자 제출을위한 프로젝트입니다.