앨라배마 주 정부의 공식 웹 사이트.

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알라바마 사업 특권세

  • 알라바마 사업 특권세

General Information for Business Privilege Tax:

알라바마 사업 특권세는 앨라배마 법에 따라 조직되거나 앨라배마에서 사업을 할 수 있는 특권(다른 주 또는 국가의 법률에 따라 조직된 경우)에 대해 부과됩니다.

제출 요건:

Every corporation, limited liability entity, and disregarded entity doing business in Alabama or organized, incorporated, qualified, or registered under the laws of Alabama is required to file an Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return. The Business Privilege Tax remains due every registered year until the entity is legally dissolved/withdrawn through Alabama Secretary of State, regardless of whether such entity is actively doing business in Alabama. C-corporations, Financial Institution Groups, insurance companies, REITs, and business trusts must file Alabama Form CPT. Limited liability entities taxed as corporations for federal income tax purposes must also file Alabama Form CPT. S-corporations, limited liability entities and disregarded entities must file Alabama Form PPT.

For the taxable years beginning after December 31, 2023, there is a full exemption from the business privilege tax on tax due of $100 or less (Act 2022-252, §40-14(A)-22, Code of Ala., 1975). Taxpayers whose business privilege tax is calculated to be $100 or less are not required to file a Business Privilege Tax Return (BPTIN/CPT/PPT).

If you have not received your letter to register for My Alabama Taxes, please contact BPT by email at businessprivilege.tax@revenue.alabama.gov with the business’s current mailing address so another copy can be provided.

Instructional Video

Electronic Filing Mandate:

For determination periods beginning on and after January 1, 2015, Financial Institution groups are mandated to electronically file all Alabama original business privilege tax returns for that calendar year and all subsequent tax years. See Revenue Rule 810-2-8-.06.


Original Due Date. Form PPT and CPT are due on the same date as the corresponding federal income returns are required to be filed as provided under federal law. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday, the return will be due the following business day. Form BPT-IN must be filed within two- and one-half months after the entity incorporates, organizes, qualifies, or starts doing business in the state.

Automatic Extension. An automatic extension to file its Alabama income tax return consistent with the extension allowed for the taxpayer’s corresponding federal income tax return is allowed. An extension of time granted to file is not an extension of time for payment of the tax. The amount of tax due must be paid on or before the due date of the return without regard to any extension to file the return. There is no extension of time to file the form BPT-IN. The form BPT-IN must be filed within two- and one-half months after the entity incorporates, organizes, qualifies, or starts doing business in the State.

To view a complete listing of forms for Business Privilege Tax, please visit the forms page. You may search by form number, title of the form, division, tax category, and/or year. Forms Search 

Most Popular Forms:

Form BPT-IN: Alabama Business Privilege Tax Initial Privilege Tax Return

Form CPT:  Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report for C-Corporations and Other Specified Entities

Form PPT:  Alabama Business Privilege Tax Return and Annual Report for Pass Through Entities Only

Form BPT-V: Business Privilege Tax Payment Voucher

How To Close A Business For Business Privilege Tax Purposes:


  1. 준수 인증서 요청을 완료합니다.
  2. 준수하기 위해 ALDOR가 결정한 반품 및 지불을 제공하십시오.
  3. ALDOR로부터 규정 준수 인증서를 받습니다.
  4. Complete Certificate of Withdrawal.

    Certificate of Compliance cannot be more than six months old to be accepted by SOS


해산의 완전한 기사

Business Privilege Tax FAQ