앨라배마 주 정부의 공식 웹 사이트.

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컬렉션 서비스는 알라바마 세무부의 사내 수집 기관입니다. 납세자의 평가가 징수 서비스에 도달하면 세금 책임은 이미 법원 판결의 완전한 효력을 가지고 있습니다.

컬렉션 양식

검색과 일치하는 양식을 찾을 수 없지만 여기에서 모든 양식을 볼 수 있습니다.


실제 주소

앨라배마주 세무국
징수 서비스 부서
Suite 10000, 445 Dexter Ave.
몽고메리, AL 36104

우편 주소:

앨라배마 국세청
사서함 327820
몽고메리, AL 36132-7820

수집 서비스

부서 소개

The Collection Services Division serves as the in-house collection agency for the Alabama Department of Revenue – a division tasked with handling past-due taxpayer accounts that have progressed to a Final Notice Before Seizure. Taxpayers with a file that reaches Collection Services can be subject to forced collection action and property seizure (including wages, financial accounts, and other assets) if their tax liabilities are not resolved.

There are multiple options to resolve any tax amounts owed. The easiest way to resolve your liability is through our online portal, My Alabama Taxes, where you can set up your account using your previous tax return information. You can also call Collection Services at 334-242-1220 to make a payment or visit any of ALDOR’s nine Taxpayer Service Centers across the state.

For more information about the Collection Services Division, see Collection of Your Tax Liability.
