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  • 如果产权申请上有两个业主,他们是否都需要在申请上签字?


如果有共同所有权,并且名字用 "或 "连接,则只需要一个所有者在产权申请上签字。

如果有共同所有权,并且名字由 "和 "连接,那么两个所有者都需要在产权申请上签字。

If there is joint-ownership and the names are joined by “or,” only one owner is required to sign the title application.

If there is joint-ownership and the names are joined by “and,” then both owners are required to sign the title application.


ALDOR’s titling system, ALVIN, features a VIN decoder that populates this information.

However, there will be occasion where it will not be pre-populated. Sometimes it will populate the information after a vehicle trim is selected.

It is recommended to look up the vehicle year, make, model, and specifications in a Google-type search to see if you are able to find the unladen weight or GVWR.

Another alternative is the NHTSA VIN decoder (https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/decoder/). It will sometimes provide this information for vehicles.

If all else fails and you still can’t determine the unladen weight, then you can enter the same amount as was entered or pre-populated for the GVWR.

No, the lienholder information is not required in the assignment of the MSO or title, but if it is provided it must agree with the title application.

在MSO的转让中,不需要记录里程表的读数。但是,如果在MSO的转让中提供了里程表读数,那么产权申请中的里程表读数必须等于或渐进于转让中的里程表读数,除非该车辆被豁免里程。阿拉巴马州不要求MSO或州外产权的里程表披露部分的填写。 所有其他有产权证书的转让的里程表读数都需要认证,因此,申请书上的里程数必须与所有其他转让的产权转让书上的里程数完全一致。
是的,产权申请上的业主姓名必须与MSO、产权或任何其他支持文件中的业主姓名相同。这包括后缀(Jr., III等)。如果业主的名字在申请书和转让书之间有差异,可以提供一份宣誓书来证明名字的差异。

If there is joint-ownership and the names are joined by “or,” only one owner is required to sign the title application.

If there is joint-ownership and the names are joined by “and,” then both owners are required to sign the title application.