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Grafschaft Kraftstoffsteuern

  • Grafschaft Kraftstoffsteuern


Based upon local Acts and the authorization of the County Commissions.

To administer the gasoline and motor fuel excise taxes for various counties. The excise taxes are imposed on all persons, corporations, co-partnerships, companies, agencies, associations, firms, and refiners selling, delivering, withdrawing from storage or keeping in storage for sale and delivery, gasoline and motor fuels.

Bullock County: $0.03 per gallon – gasoline and diesel

Lowndes County: $0.02 per gallon – gasoline and diesel

Marshall County: $0.01 per gallon – gasoline, diesel and other (3% discount if filed and paid timely)

Vary according to county.

98% to the counties where fuel is sold

2% to the Department of Revenue’s Administrative Fee Fund