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Comienza la temporada de impuestos de 2024 en Alabama

División relacionada
Posted: January 19, 2024

MONTGOMERY – Tax Season 2024 is set to begin on January 29 with a filing deadline for individual income tax returns of April 15. ALDOR offers these tips to help you file safely and get your refund quickly:



  • FILE EARLY – File as soon as possible after you receive your W-2s, 1099s and other documents. Filing early can help ALDOR get refunds approved earlier, plus it enables you to get ahead of ID thieves.
  • SAFETY FIRST – ALDOR plays a critical role in preventing taxpayer money from ending up in the wrong hands. We take a little extra time to perform fraud detection reviews and accuracy checks and to match against employer W2s, but this diligent work helps ensure that you get your money instead of fraudsters.
  • EMPLEADORES - ¡Archivo esos W-2! Los empleadores deben presentar la información W-2 de los empleados a ALDOR antes del 31 de enero. Los empleadores que presenten la información con retraso pueden enfrentarse a sanciones y retrasarán el procesamiento de las declaraciones de impuestos de sus empleados.
  • KEEP IN TOUCH – After you file, ALDOR may ask for more information. If you receive a letter from us, respond quickly so we can review your information and get your refund to you as soon as possible. REMEMBER: ALDOR will NEVER contact taxpayers initially by phone, text or email, only by letters sent through the mail.
    • Detección de fraudes. ALDOR uses a variety of methods to validate identities and tax returns. To help protect personally identifiable information and keep dollars from going to criminals, ALDOR may send:
    • Comprobación de la exactitud. ALDOR detiene y revisa cada año aproximadamente entre el 3 y el 5 por ciento de las declaraciones del impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas para resolver errores matemáticos o solicitar información que falta. Para asegurarse de que las declaraciones de la renta reflejan correctamente la información y la intención, ALDOR puede enviar:
      • Una carta de solicitud de información en la que se pide información adicional o que falta para respaldar los datos declarados en la declaración de la renta.
      • A Tax Computation Change letter that explains changes that were made to the tax return.


  • ¿CUÁNTO TIEMPO TARDARÁ? When and how you file your return largely determines when your refund can be issued. For example, we receive and process electronically filed returns significantly faster than mailed returns. Also, returns tend to pile up later in the season and take longer to process. Generally, about 30 percent of income tax returns are filed in April. Returns filed this close to the deadline may require as many as 90 days to process.
    • First‐time filers: It takes additional time for new filers to be validated and entered into ALDOR’s system (approximately 10-12 weeks). Until then, the Refund Status website won’t recognize these taxpayers and will report their returns as “not entered in system.”
    • E‐filers: Generally, e‐filers can expect their refund about 8‐10 weeks after the date they receive their filing acknowledgment from the state.
    • Paper filers: These returns take about 8‐12 weeks to process. ALDOR personnel must manually enter information from paper returns into the database.
    • If you receive a letter from ALDOR asking for more information or to verify identity, the refund will be delayed until the requested information is received and reviewed by ALDOR.
  • WHERE’S YOUR REFUND? ALDOR will begin releasing income tax refunds on March 1. The best way for you to track the progress of your refund is My Alabama Taxes (, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you don’t have internet access, then you can track your refund by calling our refund hotline at 1-855-894-7391 or our daytime refund status line at 334-309-2612.

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