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  • Requisitos para la licencia de desmantelamiento

Requisitos para la licencia de desmantelamiento

Fianza de 50.000 dólares: la fianza firmada y el poder notarial deben presentarse con el documento de transmisión de la licencia de desmantelamiento. El formulario de fianza estará disponible cuando se haya completado la solicitud electrónica.

COSTO DE LA LICENCIA-$225.00. Debe pagarse en línea con una tarjeta de crédito. Las licencias de desmantelamiento que se renueven después del 30 de septiembre estarán sujetas a una penalización del 15%.

Número de identificación NMVTIS: Toda persona que solicite una licencia de desmantelamiento y reciclaje de piezas debe tener ya un número de registro del Sistema Nacional de Información de Títulos de Vehículos Motorizados. Si necesita solicitar un número NMVTIS, puede hacerlo en: o para más información: THE NMVTIS NUMBER IS MANDATORY.

$50,000 SURETY BOND – The signed bond and Power of Attorney must be submitted with the dismantler license transmittal document. The bond form will be available when the electronic application has been completed.

LICENSE COST – $225. Must be paid online with a credit card. Dismantler licenses renewed after September 30 will be subject to a 15 percent penalty.

NMVTIS ID Number – Anyone applying for a dismantler and parts recycler license must already have a National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) registration number. If you need to apply for an NMVTIS number, you may do so at For more information, visit


Preguntas relacionadas en Desmantelador de automóviles, Desmantelador de automóviles y tarjetas BID

Applicants must submit an electronic application via the Alabama Partner Registration available in MyDMV.

If you already have a Dealer Regulatory License, you should use your dealer license logon to apply for a dismantler license.

If you don’t have a Dealer license, you must register to setup your account in the mv license system by selecting “In-state registration.” After the registration is completed, click log in to apply for the dismantler license.

Each of the fields must be completed to move to the next screen.

Payment must be made by credit card.

Print the required documents and submit to ALDOR. All required documents can be uploaded in the mv license system.

Your application should be reviewed within two to four business days. If approved, you will receive an email inviting you to login to the system and print your license. If there are errors, you will receive an email requesting corrections.

$50,000 SURETY BOND – The signed bond and Power of Attorney must be submitted with the dismantler license transmittal document. The bond form will be available when the electronic application has been completed.

LICENSE COST – $225. Must be paid online with a credit card. Dismantler licenses renewed after September 30 will be subject to a 15 percent penalty.

NMVTIS ID Number – Anyone applying for a dismantler and parts recycler license must already have a National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) registration number. If you need to apply for an NMVTIS number, you may do so at For more information, visit


Se presumirá que una persona, empresa o corporación se dedica al negocio de desmantelamiento de automóviles y reciclaje de piezas si dicha persona, empresa o corporación posee 10 o más vehículos de motor inoperables durante más de 30 días. Esto no incluye a las empresas de reparación autorizadas que tengan vehículos en espera de ser reparados, ni a los vendedores de chatarra autorizados que tengan vehículos con el fin de reciclar chatarra. Además, no incluye ninguna entidad que repare, reconstruya o reacondicione sus propios vehículos para su propio uso o que disponga de un vehículo adquirido para su propio uso. (Sección 40-12-410, Código de Alabama de 1975)

Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to engage in the business of an automotive dismantler and parts recycler shall apply by submitting an application and the required fee electronically through MyDMV.

The license year runs from October 1 through September 30, and it must be renewed by October 31 each year. After October 31, a 15 percent penalty and applicable interest will be charged. (§40-12-415, Code of Ala. 1975)