Sitio web oficial del gobierno del Estado de Alabama.

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  • ¿Cuál es la tasa de una matrícula personalizada?

¿Cuál es la tasa de una matrícula personalizada?

El registrante está sujeto al pago de las tasas de registro estándar basadas en el tipo de vehículo, más una tasa anual adicional. Haga clic aquí para ver las tasas de registro de las distintas matrículas de Alabama. Las imágenes de las matrículas de Alabama se pueden ver seleccionando una categoría de matrícula en el elemento de menú "Información sobre matrículas" en la página web de la División de Vehículos Motorizados.

The registrant is subject to payment of the standard registration fees based on the vehicle type, plus an annual additional fee. To view registration fees for the various Alabama license plates, visit the License Plates webpage.

Related FAQs in Placa de matrícula personalizada, Matriculación

No. Some plates are available only to members of a particular organization. Select a distinctive license plate on the Motor Vehicle Division’s License Plates web page to determine the availability of a license plate. The message under each plate image indicates whether the plate can be personalized, how many alphanumeric characters are permitted, and who is permitted to obtain the plates.

The requestor may search and reserve a personalized message on MyDMV or visit the license plate issuing office to determine if the requested letters and/or numbers are available for issuance. If available, the issuing official will collect the appropriate registration fees and taxes and issue a registration receipt, a 60-day temporary license plate, and month and year decal to be placed on the new license plate. The license plate will be shipped from the manufacturing facility to the registrant (usually within 6-8 weeks).

If the requestor reserves a plate message online, once the message has been approved by ALDOR, the requestor has five calendar days to visit the license plate issuing official’s office to place an order and pay all required fees. If the requestor fails to register the message within the prescribed time frame, the message becomes available to the general public.

The registrant is subject to payment of the standard registration fees based on the vehicle type, plus an annual additional fee. To view registration fees for the various Alabama license plates, visit the License Plates webpage.

Alabama law authorizes the issuance of distinctive and personalized license plates to automobiles and pickup trucks with a gross vehicle weight not to exceed 12,000 pounds, and, in many cases, motor homes. It is important to note that military plates and license plates with the International Symbol of Access are restricted to pickup trucks with a gross vehicle weight not to exceed 8,000 pounds.

To determine what types of vehicles a license plate may be displayed on, visit the License Plates webpage .