If you do not have software that will create a file to upload with the required data for the A-3 Annual Reconciliation, you can use Excel to create the file.
An Excel Spreadsheet has been created with the required fields for Form A-3 Bulk Filing. This file uses a macro to export Form A-3 information entered in the spreadsheet to a text file that is already formatted in the File Layout needed to upload the file.
To use this file your macro security must be set to medium or low and you must Enable Macros when you open the file. To check you macro security setting in Excel, while in Excel, click on Tools, Macros, Security. The Security level should be set to Medium or Low. Instructions for using the Bulk_A3_Format.xls to create an A-3 file.
- Download the A-3 Bulk Filing Spreadsheet (BULK A-3FORMAT.XLS) (right click on link to save file) (Updated: 01/27/2015) and fill in Form A-3 information. After entering the required information, verify all of the data before exporting the file. The account number will be 10 characters in length. Accounts below 700000 will be 10 digits including the leading zeros, ex. 0000123456. Account numbers 700000 and above will begin with R followed by 9 digits, R000700000.
- Once you verify the data, click on the red button “CLICK HERE TO EXPORT TO TEXT FILE” to create your A3Export.txt file. A menu box will appear. Select a location where to save your file.
- Please note the location of your A3EXPORT.txt file.
- To upload your file, logon to the My Alabama Taxes.
- Click on your AGT account number.
- Select Upload Bulk File from the panel on the left.
- Under Select a File Type to Upload, click A3/W2 Bulk Return File.
- Select Yes or No from the dropdown beside Do you have W2s to Upload? If Yes, click Attach File in Step 1, select Bulk W2 Upload, enter a Description of your file, then Browse for your W2 file to upload, then Click Save. Note: Please make sure the W2 file you are uploading is a text file. The filename must contain a .txt extension.Select No only if you are uploading an A3 file containing only Zero A3s. You can upload a Zero A3 file only if zero tax returns were filed during the year.
- Click on the Valid or Invalid hyperlink to view the results. If the results are Valid, go to Step 2 to upload your A3 file. If results are Valid and Invalid you can go to Step 2 to complete the process but only Valid accounts will process. If the results are Invalid, you must correct all errors and resubmit your file.
- On the Upload screen, use the Browse button to search for the .txt file on your computer. Select the Upload button. Note: Please make sure that you are uploading the .txt file instead of your saved Excel Spreadsheet (.xls) The system cannot process the file if it is saved as an Excel ( .xls) worksheet.
- If the results are Valid, click on the Valid hyperlink to view the file results. Click Submit to process your files. If results are Valid and Invalid you can Submit your files but only the Valid accounts will be process.
- If results are Invalid, click on the Invalid hyperlink to view the errors. You must correct all errors then resubmit your file. Open your original Excel (.xls) version of your spreadsheet and make the required changes. Click the red area to save your file as an A3EXPORT.txt file.
- You will receive a Request Number for your files. Once the accounts in the file have been Bhave been processed, you will receive have been processed, you will have been processed, you will receive a Bulk Filer Confirmation with the request number in the Message Tab. Click the Bulk Filer Confirmation hyperlink to view the Tracking (confirmation) Number for each account processed. Once you receive a Tracking number for an account, DO NOT send paper copies of the W2s and A3 for that account.