Eine offizielle Website der Regierung des Bundesstaates Alabama.

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Lokale Städte und Landkreise Steuersätze Textdatei

  • Lokale Städte und Landkreise Steuersätze Textdatei

The taxrates.csv file is a comma-delimited file (i.e. fields separated by commas), that contains local tax rate information for all Alabama cities and counties that levy a sales, use, lodgings or rental tax (includes both state-administered local taxes and nonstate-administered local taxes). This text file should be compatible with practically any spreadsheet or database application. This file will be updated on a monthly basis by the Sales and Use Tax Division.

  • taxrates.csv – Original file which includes current and historical information.
    (Updated for January 2025)
  • taxrates_current.csv – A “taxrates” file with current, active information only. 
    (Updated for January 2025)