Sitio web oficial del gobierno del Estado de Alabama.

El .gov significa que es oficial

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El sitio es seguro

El sitio https:// garantiza que se está conectando al sitio web oficial y que cualquier información que proporcione está encriptada y se transmite de forma segura.

Online Estimate Payments and Extension Payments

  • Online Estimate Payments and Extension Payments

Online Estimate Payments and Extension Payments have moved!

My Alabama Taxes is the official online payment and filing system of the Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR). To make an extension payment or estimate payment, visit

Already have a My Alabama Taxes username?

Visit My Alabama Taxes and sign in with your username and password. Once you’re signed in, head to the appropriate Account panel, and click Make a Payment.

ALDOR recommends signing up for a My Alabama Taxes account. This account will allow you to file certain returns, make payments, view letters and securely communicate with ALDOR. However, if you do not already have a My Alabama Taxes account and would like to make a payment, you can make a non-logged in payment by visiting and clicking on the “Make a Payment” link in the “Payments” panel.

For information on signing up for a My Alabama Taxes account, visit the Registration help page at

For more information on making payments in My Alabama Taxes, visit the payment help page at