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NOTICE Calhoun County Tobacco Tax – REVISED

División relacionada
Posted: May 16, 2024

Revised June 5, 2024

According to Act No. 90-193 and by resolution adopted by the Calhoun County Commission, the
Alabama Department of Revenue (ALDOR) has been designated as the agency to collect Calhoun
County tobacco taxes. The effective collection date to submit these taxes to ALDOR is July 1, 2024.
The appropriate taxes are to be collected and remitted to ALDOR beginning with the July 2024
return, which is due no later than August 20, 2024
. The taxes levied are as follows:

Smoking Tobacco
Chewing Tobacco

$0.03 per pack
$0.03 per pack
$0.03 per pack
$0.03 per container

The cigarette tax will be collected by affixing a Calhoun County revenue stamp. Taxpayers will be
notified when the cigarette tax stamps are available for purchase from ALDOR. Until Calhoun County
revenue stamps become available, cigarette tax must be remitted on the monthly county tobacco tax
return via My Alabama Taxes (

Please ensure that the person responsible for preparing the monthly county tobacco tax returns
receives this notice.

Business and License Tax Division
Tobacco Tax Section
P. O. Box 327555
Montgomery, AL 36132-7555

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