앨라배마 주 정부의 공식 웹 사이트.

.gov는 공식적이라는 것을 의미합니다.

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사이트가 안전합니다.

https:// 는 귀하가 공식 웹 사이트에 연결하고 귀하가 제공 한 모든 정보가 암호화되어 안전하게 전송되도록합니다.

FAQ Categories / Tax: Vessel Titles

When trying to complete title applications for vessels that have inches listed on the MSO, please use this Vessel Length Chart for conversion purposes.

Vessel Length Chart

As of June 1, 2018, Alabama Act 2018-179 established a formal statewide program, administered through the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), to address abandoned or derelict vessels (ADVs). There are also non-governmental organizations that are involved with the removal and disposal of ADVs, including the Dog River Clearwater Revival, which has worked with Sea Grant and the NOAA Marine Debris Program to remove vessels from the state's waterways.


2018년 6월에 설립된 앨라배마 버려진 선박 및 폐선 기금은 폐선 선박의 압류, 제거, 운송, 보존, 보관, 광고, 감정 및 폐기에 대한 비용을 지불하기 위한 것으로, ALEA 장관이 관리하고 있습니다.

입법 개요

2018년 6월 1일부터 시행된 버려진 선박과 관련된 법 2018-179는 특정 조건 하에서 법 집행관 또는 사유 재산 소유자가 앨라배마 주 해역에서 선박을 제거할 수 있도록 승인합니다. 표류 중인 선박은 1975년 앨라배마주법 §35-13-1에 따라 누구든지 "표류 중인 모든 재산"을 점유하고 확보할 수 있습니다. 또한 앨라배마주에는 주 내 항구에 "위험한 선박"을 정박하는 것을 불법으로 규정하는 법률이 있습니다. 1975년 앨라배마주 법령 §33-1-33에 따라 불법으로 해안에 정박, 정박 또는 정박 중이거나 침몰 또는 오염의 위험이 있거나 폐선된 것으로 간주되는 선박을 관리하는 소유자 또는 기관은 이를 제거하지 않으면 벌금이 부과될 수 있습니다.

연락 창구

  • ALEA는 버려지거나 버려진 선박을 소유하고 처분할 권한이 있습니다.
  • The Alabama State Port Authority has jurisdiction over the state’s ports and administers the laws under Title 33 - Navigation.
  • 보존 및 천연자원부는 해양 순찰대를 통해 국유 해저 토지에 대한 계류 제한을 시행할 권한이 있습니다.

추가 선박 정보는 아래 링크를 참조하세요:



A Hull Identification Number (HIN) is the identifying code for a specific vessel. It is a unique combination of letters and/or numbers affixed to the vessel, and is similar to a VIN on a vehicle.

12자(문자 및 숫자)로 구성됩니다.

  • 처음 세 글자 - USCG가 지정한 제조업체 식별 코드 또는 수입업체 지정.
  • 4~8번째 문자 - 제조업체에서 부여한 일련 번호입니다.
  • 문자 9와 10 - 제조 월과 날짜를 나타냅니다.
  • 문자 11 및 12 - 모델 연도를 나타냅니다.

앨라배마주 선박 소유권 증명서를 신청할 때마다 소유권 신청 수수료는 $20입니다.

지정 에이전트는 처리된 각 신청에 대한 수수료로 $5의 합계를 추가해야 합니다.

번호판 발급 공무원은 처리된 각 신청에 대해 수수료로 5달러를 추가로 징수합니다. 5달러는 라이선스 발급 담당 공무원이 관리하는 별도의 기금에 예치되어 해당 공무원의 단독 재량으로 사무실 운영의 법적 목적에 맞게 사용됩니다.

선박 소유권 신청서는 ALDOR에 전자적으로 제출해야 하며 다음을 포함해야 합니다:

  • 신청자의 이름 및 주소
  • 모든 소유자의 이름과 주소
  • 선체 식별 번호 또는 선체 식별 번호가 없는 경우 선박의 선체 식별 번호 발급 신청서
  • 선박 번호 또는 선박 번호가 없는 경우 선박 번호 신청서
  • 미국 해안 경비대가 지정한 선박의 공식 번호(있는 경우)
  • 선박 정보

이 상태가 주된 사용 상태인 선박의 소유자는 다음 중 늦어도 20일 이내에 해당 수수료와 함께 선박의 소유권 증명서 신청서를 사무소에 제출해야 합니다:

  • 소유권 이전 날짜 또는
  • 앨라배마가 주 사용 주가 되는 날짜입니다.

선박의 소유권이 미국 이외의 국가에서 관리하는 등기부에 기록된 선박으로, 선박의 소유권을 가진 각 개인을 식별하고 선박의 고유한 영숫자 명칭이 포함되어 있습니다.

A vessel covered by a certificate of documentation issued pursuant to 46 U.S.C. 12105.

The term does not include a foreign-documented vessel.

Personal watercraft (PWC) is defined as a type of motorboat which is specifically designed to be operated by a person or persons sitting, standing, or kneeling ON the vessel rather than INSIDE the vessel.

Personal watercraft (PWC) is limited to under 16 feet in length.

The term PWC includes jet skis, wet bikes, etc.

A vessel is any watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, except:

  • A seaplane
  • An amphibious vehicle
  • Watercraft less than 18 feet in length that is propelled solely by:
    • Sail
    • Paddle
    • Oar, or
    • An engine of less than 75 horsepower
  • Watercraft that operates only on a permanently fixed manufactured course and the movement of which is restricted or guided by means of a mechanical device to which the watercraft is attached or by which the watercraft is controlled;
  • Stationary floating structure that:
    • Does not have and is not designed to have a mode of propulsion of its own
    • Is dependent for utilities upon a continuous utility hookup to a source originating on shore; and
    • Has a permanent, continuous hookup to a shoreside sewage system;
      • Example: Houseboat tied to shore
  • Watercraft owned by the United States, a state, or a foreign government or a political subdivision of any of them;
  • Watercraft used solely as a lifeboat on another watercraft.
  • a documented vessel
  • a foreign-documented vessel
  • a barge
  • a vessel before delivery if the vessel is under construction or completed pursuant to contract; or
  • a vessel held by a dealer for sale or lease
  • a vessel which construction has been completed as of December 31, 2023 (some exceptions apply).

The owner of a vessel that is 26 feet or more in length and to which Alabama is the state of principal use on or after January 1, 2024, may voluntarily apply for a certificate of title regardless of when the vessel was constructed.

Vessels that meet the following criteria are required to be titled in Alabama:

  • Any vessel constructed after December 31, 2023 (some exclusions apply).
  • Any vessel for which Alabama is the state of principal use on or after January 1, 2024.
  • Any vessel that is less than 18 feet in length is only titled if it is propelled by an engine of 75 horsepower or greater (includes: jet skis, sailboats, paddleboats, and rowboats).

An application for a vessel certificate of title must be accompanied by:

  • A certificate of title signed by the owner shown on the certificate and which identifies the applicant as the owner of the vessel or is accompanied by a record that identifies the applicant as the owner
    • If there is no certificate of title, the following are accepted:
      • If the vessel was a documented vessel, a record issued by the United States Coast Guard which shows the vessel is no longer a documented vessel and identifies the applicant as the owner
      • If the vessel was a foreign-documented vessel, a record issued by the foreign country which shows the vessel is no longer a foreign-documented vessel and identifies the applicant as the owner
  • In all other cases, a certificate of origin, bill of sale, or other record that to the satisfaction of the office identifies the applicant as owner

A vessel inspection by ALEA is to verify that a Hull Identification Number (HIN) does not already exist on the hull.

This inspection is not to determine sea worthiness of a vessel.

In Alabama, all vessels must have a hull identification number to be registered. If your vessel was manufactured prior to 1972, you would need to apply to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Marine Patrol (AMP) Division for a State-Assigned Hull Identification Number.

The application needed can be found on the ALEA website at:  https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/inline-files/HINApplication_0.pdf .

Once this application is submitted to ALEA an officer will contact you to set up an inspection date and time.

A “rebuilt vessel” refers to a vessel that is piecemealed together from one or more vessels (i.e., I have the pontoons from a 1992 pontoon boat, I have a frame and floor from a 2005 pontoon boat, and I affix them together to create a “rebuilt vessel”).

ALEA will require a “rebuilt vessel” to meet the same requirements as a Homebuilt Vessel with regard to the future sale of said vessel in order to comply with federal requirements regarding the issuance of a Hull Identification Number (HIN).

A “homemade vessel” refers to a vessel that was built from scratch by the owner (i.e., I am a carpenter and purchased wood to build my vessel). According to the U.S. Coast Guard, homebuilt vessels are constructed by individuals for their own use and not offered for sale. Because of this, these vessels may not always be built to recreational vessel safety requirements in 46 USC §43 and 33 CFR Subchapter S. The owner should apply for a state assigned HIN from the state issuing authority in the state in which the vessel will be principally operated.

Sale of Homebuilt Vessels. The intention of federal regulations to prohibit the sale of homebuilt recreational vessels that may not meet the safety standards is found within 46 U.S.C. §43 and 33 CFR Subchapter S. However, the Coast Guard recognizes that the sale of homebuilt recreational vessels may be appropriate in limited circumstances.

To allow for the sale of homebuilt recreational vessels, the Coast Guard has determined that the homebuilt recreational vessel must:

  1. Meet the requirements set forth within 33 CFR Subchapter S;
  2. Have been inspected via an independent marine surveyor with a nationally accredited certification such as National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS) or Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS). A survey report shall be provided to the state upon sale of the vessel; and
  3. Not be sold within 10 years of the issuance of the state assigned HIN. NOTE: Homebuilt vessels that are gifted at any time to another person are acceptable. Ref. (a) states that the sale of a vessel is the defining factor between a homebuilt vessel and a manufacturer-built vessel. The gifting of a homebuilt vessel does not hold the builder that is doing the gifting to the safety standards that a professional boat builder would need to uphold if they were selling for profit.

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Marine Patrol (AMP) Division is responsible for issuing a State-Assigned Hull Identification Number or a Replacement Hull Identification Number.

The application needed can be found on the ALEA website at https://www.alea.gov/sites/default/files/inline-files/HINApplication_0.pdf. Once this application is submitted to ALEA, an officer will contact you to set up an inspection date and time.

ALDOR의 보증채권 포털에서 소유권 보증채권 신청서(양식 MVT 10-1A)를 전자 요청으로 작성하세요.

보증보험증권 요청이 승인되면 자동차, 제조 주택 또는 선박에 대한 소유권 보증보험증권(양식 MVT 10-1)이 제공되며, 회원님과 보증보험증권을 발행하는 보험회사는 이를 작성해야 합니다.

MVT 10-1 양식을 작성한 후 보증채권이 실행된 날로부터 90일 이내에 지정된 대리인을 통해 소유권 증명서를 신청하세요.

소유권 증명서 신청서에 표시할 소유자 이름은 소유권 증명서를 요청하는 자동차, 제조 주택 또는 선박의 현재 법적 소유자 이름이어야 합니다. 소유권 신청서에 기재된 소유자 이름은 증빙 서류에 기재된 이름과 일치해야 합니다. 소유권 신청서에 기재된 판매자 정보는 증빙 서류와 일치해야 합니다.

손으로 인쇄 된 이름과 서명 대신 부서에서 승인 한 경우 전자 서명을 사용할 수 있습니다.

자세한 내용은 관리 규칙: 810-5-75-.40 소유권 응용 프로그램, 소유권 할당 및 자동차 등록에 대한 이름 및 서명에 대한 요구 사항을 참조하십시오.