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When trying to complete title applications for vessels that have inches listed on the MSO, please use this Vessel Length Chart for conversion purposes.
As of June 1, 2018, Alabama Act 2018-179 established a formal statewide program, administered through the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), to address abandoned or derelict vessels (ADVs). There are also non-governmental organizations that are involved with the removal and disposal of ADVs, including the Dog River Clearwater Revival, which has worked with Sea Grant and the NOAA Marine Debris Program to remove vessels from the state's waterways.
The Alabama Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Fund, established June 2018 and managed by the Secretary of ALEA, is for payment of the seizure, removal, transportation, preservation, storage, advertisement, appraisal, and disposal of a derelict vessel.
Legislative Overview
Effective June 1, 2018, Act 2018-179, relating to derelict and abandoned vessels, authorizes the removal of a vessel from the waters of this state under certain conditions by a law enforcement officer or a private property owner. Vessels that are found adrift are covered under §35-13-1, Code of Ala. 1975, which states that any person may take up and secure “all property adrift.” In addition, Alabama has laws that make it unlawful to place a “dangerous vessel” in a harbor in the state. Under §33-1-33, Code of Ala. 1975, any owner or agency in control of a vessel that is anchored, moored, or made fast to the shore illegally, or is liable to sink or pollute, or deemed to be derelict, can be charged with a fine if they fail to remove it.
Point of Contact
Please see the link below for additional vessel information:
A Hull Identification Number (HIN) is the identifying code for a specific vessel. It is a unique combination of letters and/or numbers affixed to the vessel, and is similar to a VIN on a vehicle.
Consist of 12 characters (letters and numbers)
The title application fee is $20 for each application for Alabama certificate of title for a vessel.
Designated Agents shall add the sum of $5 as the commission for each application processed.
License Plate Issuing Officials shall collect an additional $5 as the commission for each application processed. The $5 is deposited in a separate fund maintained by the licensing official to be used in his or her sole discretion for any legal purpose in the operation of his or her office.
The application for vessel title must be electronically submitted to ALDOR and contain the following:
The owner of a vessel for which this state is the state of principal use shall deliver to the office an application for a certificate of title for the vessel, with the applicable fee, no later than 20 days after the later of:
A vessel the ownership of which is recorded in a registry maintained by a country other than the United States which identifies each person that has an ownership interest in a vessel and includes a unique alphanumeric designation for the vessel.
A vessel covered by a certificate of documentation issued pursuant to 46 U.S.C. 12105.
The term does not include a foreign-documented vessel.
Personal watercraft (PWC) is defined as a type of motorboat which is specifically designed to be operated by a person or persons sitting, standing, or kneeling ON the vessel rather than INSIDE the vessel.
Personal watercraft (PWC) is limited to under 16 feet in length.
The term PWC includes jet skis, wet bikes, etc.
A vessel is any watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, except:
The owner of a vessel that is 26 feet or more in length and to which Alabama is the state of principal use on or after January 1, 2024, may voluntarily apply for a certificate of title regardless of when the vessel was constructed.
Vessels that meet the following criteria are required to be titled in Alabama:
An application for a vessel certificate of title must be accompanied by:
A vessel inspection by ALEA is to verify that a Hull Identification Number (HIN) does not already exist on the hull.
This inspection is not to determine sea worthiness of a vessel.
In Alabama, all vessels must have a hull identification number to be registered. If your vessel was manufactured prior to 1972, you would need to apply to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Marine Patrol (AMP) Division for a State-Assigned Hull Identification Number.
The application needed can be found on the ALEA website at: .
Once this application is submitted to ALEA an officer will contact you to set up an inspection date and time.
A “rebuilt vessel” refers to a vessel that is piecemealed together from one or more vessels (i.e., I have the pontoons from a 1992 pontoon boat, I have a frame and floor from a 2005 pontoon boat, and I affix them together to create a “rebuilt vessel”).
ALEA will require a “rebuilt vessel” to meet the same requirements as a Homebuilt Vessel with regard to the future sale of said vessel in order to comply with federal requirements regarding the issuance of a Hull Identification Number (HIN).
A “homemade vessel” refers to a vessel that was built from scratch by the owner (i.e., I am a carpenter and purchased wood to build my vessel). According to the U.S. Coast Guard, homebuilt vessels are constructed by individuals for their own use and not offered for sale. Because of this, these vessels may not always be built to recreational vessel safety requirements in 46 USC §43 and 33 CFR Subchapter S. The owner should apply for a state assigned HIN from the state issuing authority in the state in which the vessel will be principally operated.
Sale of Homebuilt Vessels. The intention of federal regulations to prohibit the sale of homebuilt recreational vessels that may not meet the safety standards is found within 46 U.S.C. §43 and 33 CFR Subchapter S. However, the Coast Guard recognizes that the sale of homebuilt recreational vessels may be appropriate in limited circumstances.
To allow for the sale of homebuilt recreational vessels, the Coast Guard has determined that the homebuilt recreational vessel must:
The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency’s Marine Patrol (AMP) Division is responsible for issuing a State-Assigned Hull Identification Number or a Replacement Hull Identification Number.
The application needed can be found on the ALEA website at Once this application is submitted to ALEA, an officer will contact you to set up an inspection date and time.
Füllen Sie einen elektronischen Antrag für eine Titelbürgschaft (Formular MVT 10-1A) in ALDORs Bürgschaftsportal aus.
Nach der Genehmigung des Antrags auf eine Bürgschaft erhalten Sie eine Bescheinigung über die Eigentumsgarantie für ein Kraftfahrzeug, ein Fertighaus oder ein Wasserfahrzeug (Formular MVT 10-1), die von Ihnen und der Versicherungsgesellschaft, die die Bürgschaft ausstellt, ausgefüllt werden muss.
Beantragen Sie nach Ausfüllen des Formulars MVT 10-1 innerhalb von 90 Tagen ab dem Datum, an dem die Bürgschaft ausgefertigt wurde, über einen benannten Bevollmächtigten ein Eigentumszertifikat.
Der Name des Eigentümers bzw. der Eigentümer, der bzw. die auf dem Antrag auf Ausstellung eines Eigentumszertifikats anzugeben ist bzw. sind, muss dem aktuellen rechtlichen Namen des Eigentümers bzw. der Eigentümer des Kraftfahrzeugs, des Fertighauses oder des Wasserfahrzeugs entsprechen, für das ein Eigentumszertifikat beantragt wird. Der Name des/der Eigentümer(s) auf dem Antrag muss mit dem Namen auf den Belegen übereinstimmen. Die Angaben zum Verkäufer auf dem Antrag müssen mit den Belegen übereinstimmen.
Anstelle von handschriftlichen Namen und Unterschriften ist eine elektronische Unterschrift zulässig, wenn sie von der Behörde genehmigt wurde.
Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie in der Verwaltungsvorschrift: 810-5-75-.40 Anforderungen an Namen und Unterschriften auf Titeln, Titelübertragungen und Kraftfahrzeugzulassungen.