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자주 묻는 질문

필터 FAQ

표시 중 (75) FAQ
추정세 납부는 언제 납부해야 합니까?
앨라배마에서 선박 소유권은 언제 신청해야 하나요?
납세자가 종합 신고서(양식 PTE-C)의 과오납금을 선출 통과 법인의 계좌로 이체할 수 있습니까?
Is there a cost to print an ELT in Alabama?
How does the pass-through entity determine its tax liability? What is the entity- level tax rate?
어떤 엔티티 유형이 선택 통과 엔티티로 취급되도록 선택할 수 있습니까?
What documents are accepted as proof of ownership to title a vessel?
PTE가 예상 지불을하고 궁극적으로이 과세 연도에 선거를 PTE로 선출하지 않으면 어떻게됩니까?
Can a Pass-Through Entity revoke its election to be treated as an Electing Pass-Through Entity?
When ALEA refers to a “homemade vessel” what does that mean?
What is an initial return? When is it due? How do I file?
How does an entity elect to be treated as a “family limited liability entity” and therefore subject to the $500 cap provided for under the privilege tax statute?
What do I need to do in response to the Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax Delinquent Notice?
나의 앨라배마 세금을 사용하여 사전 인증이 필요한 세금 공제를 신청하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
Can an electing Pass-Through Entity claim a net operating loss?
통과 법인이 세금 신고서를 제출하는 것만으로 선거 통과 법인으로 취급되도록 선거를 할 수 있습니까?
Do owner’s member, partner, or shareholders of an Electing Pass-Through Entity have a filing requirement?
선박 소유권 신청 수수료는 얼마인가요?
What is the ALEA – Abandoned Vessels program?
When is the Annual Alabama Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax return due?
모든 상주 소유자가 있는 통과 법인이 선출 통과 법인이 될 수 있나요?
My vessel was manufactured prior to 1972, but I would like to register my boat in Alabama. What do I need to do?
What is a vessel?
지방 정부 포털에 대한 지원은 누구에게 문의하나요?
What is a Vessel Hull Identification Number (HIN)?
What vessels are not required to be titled in Alabama?
What vessels are required to be titled in Alabama?
How is an amended Alabama Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax return filed?
직불 차단 - ACH 직불 방식 전자 지불에 대한 지불은 어떻게 합니까?
외국 선적 선박이란 무엇인가요?
Are pass-through entities that elect to pay the Electing Pass-Through Entity Tax required to make estimated tax payments?
공제 제출 절차에 대한 지원이나 개인 소득세 공제에 대한 질문이 있는 경우 누구에게 문의해야 하나요?
How do I find Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax Forms on the ALDOR website?
What is a Qualified Rescue Squad Member?
Who is required to file an Alabama Medical Privilege Tax return?
S 법인 및 유한 책임 법인에 대한 연방 과세 소득은 어떻게 결정됩니까?
How is the rate for the Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax determined?
How does the pass-through entity make an election to be treated as an Electing Pass-Through Entity? When is a pass-through entity required to make the election?
Can an owner, member, partner, or shareholder take a credit for taxes paid by the Electing Pass-Through Entity?
추정세 납부가 이루어지지 않으면 법인이 불이익을 받습니까?
차량의 적재중량 또는 총중량은 어떻게 확인하나요?
How do I get a hull identification number (HIN) assigned to my vessel?
Does Alabama issue electronic lien and title (ELT)?
If you have questions, or need to provide information regarding the Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax, electronic responses, with explanations and attachments, may be sent to:
선출 통과 법인이 세금 인센티브 세액공제를 청구할 수 있습니까?
앨라배마 주정부 법인 연례 보고서(AL-CAR)는 어디에서 제출하고 납부하나요?
What address do I use to mail the Alabama Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax return?
나의 앨라배마 세금 신고를 통해 사전 인증을 받으려면 어떤 크레딧이 필요하나요?
How do I register for My Alabama Taxes? 
Why did I receive a Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax Delinquent Notice?
What is a Personal Watercraft?
견적 지불은 어떻게 하나요?
선출 통과 법인이 비거주 회원을 대신하여 복합 신고서인 PTE-C를 제출해야 합니까?
Are credit card transaction fees subject to sales and use taxes?
Does the Alabama Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax return require any attachments?
What is a documented vessel?
Why is the Alabama Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax levied?
What is the process for abandoned/unclaimed vessels in Alabama?
Are guaranteed payments included in the calculation of taxable income?
앨라배마주는 다른 주에 납부한 통과 법인 세금에 대한 공제를 허용하나요?
What do I need to do in response to the Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax Delinquent Notice?
파트너십, S-법인, 부동산 또는 신탁을 통해 전달된 크레딧은 어떻게 청구하나요?
개인 소득 납세자의 사전 인증이 필요하지 않은 세액 공제는 어떻게 신청하나요?
선박 소유권 신청 요건은 무엇인가요?
When ALEA refers to a “rebuilt vessel” what does that mean?
결정 기간이란 무엇입니까?
What is ALEA looking for during a vessel inspection?
What vessels are optional to be titled in Alabama?
이 통지를 잘못 받은 경우 어떻게 해야 합니까?
패스스루를 선택한 법인이 회원에게 세금 인센티브 크레딧을 전달할 수 있나요? 
How do I make a Payment for Medical Cannabis Privilege Tax?
Can a pass-through entity request an extension of time to file its tax return?
Can an Electing Pass-Through Entity exclude income attributable to certain owners, i.e. tax-exempt owners, when calculating tax due? 
What is the Electing Pass-Through Entity Tax return form and when is it due?
How do I determine the length of a vessel for a title application?