앨라배마 주 정부의 공식 웹 사이트.

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지정된 대리인이되기 위해 신청하십시오.

  • 지정된 대리인이되기 위해 신청하십시오.
  1. Designated Agent qualification requirements:
    • Licensed Alabama Motor Vehicle Dealers must have a current Act 539 Regulatory License.
    • Licensed financial institutions – submit a copy of Title 5, Chapter 19 state banking license or equivalent.
    • 전당포 - 알라바마 전당포 면허 사본을 제출하십시오.
    • Insurance companies
    • Towing companies
    • Manufactured home dealers
    • Out of state financial institutions (manufactured homes only) – submit a copy of state business or regulatory license.
    • Law firms (manufactured homes only) – submit a copy of document evidencing that a principal of the firm is admitted to the State Bar.
    • Vessel Dealer
  2. Apply to become a designated agent. The dealer regulatory license bond satisfies the designated agent bonding requirement. Non-dealers are required to post a surety bond in the amount of $50,000 payable to the state of Alabama.
  3. When the electronic application is received by ALDOR, the designated agent account will be set up in MyDMV and access granted to the designated agent. Note: The legal name of the business must be provided in the application and bond form.

All designated agents are required to complete the Designated Agent training modules.