General Information for Trusts and Estates
Требование о подаче документов:
The annual return filing requirement for the Alabama Fiduciary Income Tax Return – Form 41 is established by §40-18-29(a), Code of Ala. 1975. The following fiduciaries must file returns:
- All resident trusts with net income over $1,500 for the year
- All non-resident trusts with any Alabama derived net income after deductions
- Any trust, resident or non-resident, claiming a qualifying net operating loss for the years must file in the year of loss to qualify for credit on the future years’ returns.
Grantor Trusts:
Grantor trusts, as described in 26 U.S.C. §671, have an Alabama return filing requirement specified by §§40-18-25 (g) and 40-18-29, code of Ala. 1975.
Alabama Estate and Inheritance Tax:
The Alabama Estate and Inheritance Tax is established by Title 40 Chapter 15. Federal legislation passed in 2001 authorizes the elimination of the federal estate and gift tax.
Требование Алабамы о подаче декларации основано на федеральной льготе по налогу на имущество, разрешенной федеральным законом о налоге на имущество. В результате федеральных налоговых изменений, принятых в 2001 году, наследство, дата смерти которого наступила после 31 декабря 2004 года, не обязано подавать документы в Алабаму.
Find the official press release regarding this elimination in the Newsroom.
Читайте юридическое заключение о налоге на недвижимость в Алабаме.
Electronic Filing Mandate:
Эстейты/трасты с 20 или более бенефициарами на конец налогооблагаемого года эстейта/траста обязаны подавать электронную декларацию по подоходному налогу для фидуциариев Алабамы за этот календарный год и все последующие налоговые годы.
If an income tax return preparer prepares 25 or more acceptable, original fiduciary income tax returns using tax preparation software in a calendar year, then for that calendar year and for each subsequent calendar year thereafter, all acceptable fiduciary income tax returns prepared by that income tax preparer must be filed using electronic technology, as defined in the “Electronic Tax Return Filing Act,” as codified in Chapter 30 of Title 40, Code of Ala. 1975.
Due Date/Extension:
Original Due Date. The fiduciary return is due on the same date as the corresponding federal income returns are required to be filed as provided under federal law. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday, the return will be due the following business day.
Automatic Extension. Trusts and Estates will be granted an automatic extension to file its Alabama income tax return consistent with the extension allowed for the taxpayer’s corresponding federal income tax return. The corresponding federal extension form must be submitted with the Alabama return. An extension of time granted to file is not an extension of time for payment of the tax. The amount of tax due must be paid on or before the due date of the return without regard to any extension to file the return.
To view a complete listing of forms for fiduciary income tax, please visit the forms page. You may search by form number, title of the form, division, tax category, and/or year.
Most Popular Forms:
Form 41: Fiduciary Income Tax Return
Form NOL-F85: Computation of Net Operating Loss – Fiduciary Return (Form 41)
Form EST-1: Application for Estate Tax Waiver
FDT-V: Fiduciary Income Tax Payment Voucher
Payment Information:
My Alabama Taxes provides paying agents the ability to register for an account, pay fiduciary taxes, and view account balances and ALDOR generated letters.
- Инструкции по массовым платежам
- 41 Раскладка навального платежа
- Проверка файла AL 41 на наличие ошибок