Sitio web oficial del gobierno del Estado de Alabama.

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Impuesto sobre terminales de Alabama

  • Impuesto sobre terminales de Alabama



Acceda a los formularios a través del buscador de formularios:

Instrucciones para la presentación electrónica obligatoria del impuesto sobre terminales

Ley 2011-565

A partir del 1 de octubre de 2012, esta ley cambia el nivel de imposición desde el nivel del distribuidor hasta el estante de la terminal o en el momento de la importación a Alabama. El punto de imposición se impondrá de la siguiente manera:

  • When removed: from the bulk transfer/terminal system in this state; from a bulk transfer/terminal system outside this state for delivery into this state; and upon sale or transfer in a terminal in this state to a person not licensed as a supplier.
  • At the time motor fuel is imported into this state, except when importation is by bulk transfer.
  • Tax is collected from the supplier, as shown on terminal records, when fuel is removed from a terminal or refinery in this state.
  • Tax applies to fuel blended in this state and is calculated on the difference between the total quantity blended and the quantity used for blending but previously taxed.
  • Terminal operators are jointly and severally liable with the supplier for fuel removed from a terminal in this state when removal is on account of any unlicensed supplier.