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Software Vendor Information – Paper and MeF

  • Software Vendor Information – Paper and MeF

Paper (Form Content and Barcode) Software Vendor Information

ALDOR has created a new vendor experience with SAVI (State Approvals Vendor Interface). Vendor registrations, Letter of Intent-Paper (LOI-P) submissions, and form submissions will be conducted through SAVI starting this tax year. To become an approved Alabama software vendor for Paper (Form content and Barcode), you must register using SAVI and complete a vendor registration. All new and trusted vendors must register with SAVI this year. SAVI is designed to be a straightforward process to enhance and expedite the Alabama Tax Experience. 

We are currently open to accept vendor registrations and LOI-Ps. Your vendor registration must be approved before you will be given access to submit a LOI-P. The forms submission process will open later. A SAVI notification and email will be sent to you when the forms submission process is available. 

If you have any questions about SAVI, please submit a Support Ticket at the “Create a Support Ticket” link under the Help tab in SAVI.

Modernized Electronic Filing (MeF) Software Vendor Information

Para participar en el Programa de Presentación Electrónica de Alabama, un Desarrollador de Software debe ser aprobado con el IRS para poder presentar declaraciones vinculadas o no vinculadas. Por favor, consulte la publicación 3112 del IRS para obtener información sobre cómo convertirse en un proveedor autorizado de presentación electrónica.

Si está interesado en participar en el programa de presentación electrónica modernizada (MeF) de Alabama, consulte la información que figura a continuación sobre cómo obtener el Acuerdo de intención de participación y cumplimiento del desarrollador de software.

Una vez aprobada su solicitud, recibirá un nombre de usuario y una contraseña para acceder al sitio web seguro que contiene los esquemas, las normas empresariales, los manuales y las pruebas de cada programa.

MeF individual (formularios 40 y 40NR)

Please contact the Individual MeF Coordinator by phone or email to obtain the LOI-I (Software Developer Letter of Intent and Compliance Agreement for Individual Modernized eFile (MeF) Returns Tax Year 2024) for the Individual MeF Returns. A completed and signed agreement must be received by ALDOR by October 1, 2024. Any agreement received after this date will not be accepted.

Note: A separate application is required for each product for the Individual MeF program. However, if the product using the same calculation engine and the same forms schedules – one LOI will be required with the SoftwareID for each product that uses the same calculation engine. 

Individual MeF Coordinator
Income Tax Electronic Filing Center
P.O. Box 327450
Montgomery, AL 36132

Negocios MeF

Formulario LOI-B

The Software Developer Letter of Intent and Compliance Agreement for Business Modernized eFile (MeF) Returns Tax Year 2023 is now available. A separate LOI-B must be filed per development team for each software vendor. All BMF (Business MeF) documents are now on SES (State Exchange System). Please contact an MeF Coordinator to gain access. Submit the completed LOI-B to prior to submitting test or production returns.

Forms: 20C, 20CC, CPT and PPT, and ET-1

Coordinador de Business MeF, Impuesto de Sociedades y PrivilegiosEmpresariales
P.O. Box 327450
Montgomery, AL 36132-7450

Formularios: 20S, 65, PTEC, EPT y Formulario 41

Coordinador de Business MeF, Pass Through and Fiduciary Tax
P.O. Box 327450
Montgomery, AL 36132-7450