Sitio web oficial del gobierno del Estado de Alabama.

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Ayuda para el archivo Taxrates

  • Ayuda para el archivo Taxrates

The following is a legend of the information contained within the “taxrates” and “taxrates_current” csv files.

LocalityCode: ALDOR’s four-digit locality designation number for that particular locality. Counties begin with a “7” and municipalities begin with a “9.”

LocalityName: The name of the county or municipality.

CountyNumber: The two-digit number assigned to a county by ALDOR. This will not be the same as the LocalityCode. This code is used as a cross reference in determining the associated county or counties associated with a municipality.

TaxType:  The type of tax listed, for example:

               ST            Sales Tax

               LL            Local Lodgings

               RT           Rental Tax

               CU           Consumers Use

               SU           Sellers Use

RateType: The type of rate accompanying the tax type, for example:

               AMUSE   Amusement Rate

               AUTO      Automotive Rate

               FARM      Farm Rate

               GENER    General Rate

               GROC      Food/Grocery Rate

               MACH     Machine Rate

               VEND      Vending Rate

               WDFEE    Withdrawal Fee – Fee for a Dealer to withdraw an automobile from inventory to be used as a demo.

               LINEN      Linen Rate (for rental tax purposes only)

               RMFEE  Some cities/counties have a fee which applies to their lodgings surchage in reporting the number of room nights.

               ALCOH    Alcohol Rate Rate

               REST       Food Service Establishment Tax Rate

               TRANV    Tax rate that applies to the short term rental of a motor vehicle used primarily for the transportation of 15 or fewer passengers, for a period of 60 or fewer consecutive days, and the vendor has five or more vehicles for rent on a regular basis to the public.


Administered: The local tax administering agency for a city or county, for example:

               STATE     Alabama Department of Revenue

               SELF        Self-Administered

               AVENU   Avenu Insights & Analytics (Formerly RDS)

               STACS     Sales Tax Auditing and Collection Services

               PREMA   PReMACORP, Public Resource Management Alliance Corporation

               LGREC     Local Governments Revenue Enhancements Corp.

               RCS         Revenue Collection Services

               RDS         Revenue Discovery Systems (Formerly AlaTx)

               CROCK    Crocker’s Accounting and Tax Service

ActiveDate: The date that tax became effective or the date the administering entity began administering the tax.

InactiveDate: The date that tax became inactive or the date the administering entity quit administering the tax.

Rate: The tax rate. The rates in this file are NOT in a “decimal equivalent” format, but are in a “percentage” format (Example: .500% = .005 decimal equivalent and 1.00% = .01 decimal equivalent.)  Those figures associated with the WDFEE rate, however, are dollar figures and NOT decimal or percentage figures.

Indicator: Describes the tax, for example:

               NT           New Tax

               RC           Rate Change

               AC           Administration Change / Agency Change

PJ: Indicates whether or not (i.e., Y: Yes, or N: No) a municipality levies a tax within their police jurisdictional. N – No tax levied in the police jurisdiction. Y – Tax levied in the PJ. The normal PJ rate is 1/2 the corporate limit tax rate.

CountyCode: An ADLOR four-digit county locality code given for each municipality. It is to be used as a cross reference in determining the associated county tax rates applicable to a municipality.