FAQ for Electing Pass-Through Entities – 2024 Updates- Updated October 21, 2024
FAQ for Electing Pass-Through Entities – 2023 Updates – Updated October 21, 2024
关于选择通过实体的常见问题 - 2023年7月10日更新
选择通过实体的常见问题 - 2022年6月30日更新
The Alabama Electing Pass-Through Entity Tax Act (Act 2021-1), beginning with the 2021 tax year, allows Alabama S-Corporations and Subchapter K entities (pass-through entities or PTEs) to elect to pay Alabama income tax at the entity level. Entities making this election (Electing PTEs) must notify ALDOR at any time during the tax year but no later than the 15th day of the third month following the close of that tax year for which the entity elects to be taxed as an Electing PTE. Entities making this election, including those that anticipate making this election for the 2021 tax year, may be required to begin making estimated payments on April 15, 2021.
- If a pass-through entity elects to file and pay tax at the entity level, will it also be required to file a composite return and make composite payments for nonresident members/owners/partners?
– ALDOR has the authority under §40-18-24.2(c)(3), Code of Ala. 1975, to adopt rules to exempt an Electing PTE from the composite payment requirement for non-resident members. ALDOR plans to pursue adoption of a rule to this effect prior to the 2021 filing season. - 选定PTE的非居民成员/业主/合伙人是否需要提交阿拉巴马州非居民个人报税表,以报告他们的收入分配份额和在实体层面支付的税收分配份额的抵免?
- 第2021-423号法案并没有为选择PTE的任何成员设定申报义务,否则他们就没有申报义务。但是,请注意,寻求对 "选择的PTE "所支付的税款进行抵免的成员必须申报,并报告其在该实体的收入分配份额。
- 在什么情况下需要为2021年纳税年度支付预估费用?
- 如果PTE预计在2021年纳税年度做出选择,并且其在阿拉巴马州的估计纳税额预计为500美元或以上,PTE将被要求进行估计纳税。
- What are the due dates for estimated tax payments for the 2021 tax year?
Estimated tax due dates for calendar year filers:
Payment 1 – April 15, 2021
Payment 2 – June 15, 2021
Payment 3 – September 15, 2021
Payment 4 – December 15, 2021
Estimated tax due dates for fiscal year filers:
Will be due on the 15th day of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and 12th months of the fiscal year.
- How do I calculate the amount of estimated quarterly tax payments due for the 2021 tax year?
– The required estimated quarterly payments will be 25 percent of the “required annual payment.” The required annual payment generally means the lessor of 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the taxable year or 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the preceding tax year.
Except as noted below, this safe-harbor rule will apply to Electing PTEs making estimated payments for the 2021 tax year using the following calculations for the required annual payment:
PTEs (other than S-Corporations): Calculate the total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K from the PTEs 2020 Form 65, then multiply this total by 5 percent.
S-Corporations: Calculate the total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K from the S-Corporation’s 2020 Form 20S, then multiply this total by 5 percent.
Please Note: If an electing S-Corporation reported a loss on lines 1-17 in 2020, the safe-harbor rule will not apply.
- How can I pay the Electing PTE’s estimated tax installments?
– Estimated tax payments made by check should be submitted with the form PTE-V and mailed to the address provided on this form.
Electronic payments can be made via ACH draft through My Alabama Taxes and do not require the form PTE-V. Once logged into My Alabama Taxes, navigate to Pass-Through Entity under Accounts and click the Make a Payment link.
Please Note: §41-1-20, Code of Ala. 1975, requires all single tax payments of $750 or more to be made electronically.
- 如果一个PTE支付了估计费用,但最终没有选择成为本纳税年度的PTE,该怎么办?
- 该实体可以申请退款。要申请退税,请使用PTE-C表,并在第5b行列出已支付的预估费用的金额。
- General Guidance for All Taxpayers – If the underpayment is $500 or less, no penalty will be incurred. If the underpayment is in excess of $500, taxpayers may or may not be subject to a penalty. However, if the underpayment is due to the retroactive effect of the reporting provisions of Act 2021-423, taxpayers will be eligible for a waiver of any related penalty. More detailed information is provided below for specific taxpayers seeking a waiver of the penalty.
Please Note: The procedure for obtaining penalty relief may vary based on the organizational structure and filing status of the taxpayer seeking the relief. As a result, it is important to review the guidance below that corresponds to the status and organizational structure of the taxpayer seeking relief.
When should I request a waiver of penalties?
– You should submit requests for waivers of penalties associated with estimated payments at the time you file your annual income tax or financial institution excise tax return using the penalty waiver request form (Form PWR) along with the estimated penalty forms identified below. The updated forms will be released in conjunction with the release of other forms for the 2021 filing season and will be available at www.revenue.alabama.gov.
What information should I include when submitting Form PWR?
– You should include the following information in the explanation section on the form:
- 参考第2021-423号法案的规定,以及选择转手实体的名称和FEIN。
- 纳税人在2210AL、2220AL或2220E表格上计算的估计税款罚款金额,如适用。
- 任何与纳税人的情况有关的额外信息,如实体关于转手实体选择的决定发生变化。
- Guidance for Individual Members/Owners/Partners – If the first quarter estimate was not made or was underpaid, no penalty will be incurred if the underpayment is made up by the due date of the second quarter estimate payment. If the underpayment is not made up by this time and the taxpayer is billed for a penalty, a waiver may be requested by submitting the 2021 Form PWR. Form PWR should be mailed separately from the return to the address on the form.
Please Note: Use the 2021 Form 2210AL to calculate the penalty. Submit the 2021 Form 2210AL with the 2021 individual income tax return.
If an individual has an underpayment attributable to the provisions of Act 2021-423 and other unrelated reasons, how should this be handled when computing the estimated tax penalty?
– The individual should complete Form 2210AL to calculate the penalty based on the entire underpayment. The penalty waiver only applies to the portion of the underpayment that is attributable to the provisions of Act 2021-423. In the explanation section of Form PWR, the individual should include the amount of underpayment and penalty attributable to the provisions of Act 2021-423.
If an individual made-up the first quarter underpayment by the second quarter due date, does the individual need to file Form 2210 AL and/or Form PWR?
– No.
- 对公司成员/业主/合伙人的指导- 如果少缴的金额超过500美元,公司需要填写2220 AL表,并与适用的公司所得税申报表一起提交。可以通过提交2021年PWR表来申请免除罚款。 PWR表应与申报表分开邮寄到表上的地址。
- 对金融机构成员/所有者/合伙人的指导- 如果少付的金额超过500美元,金融机构需要提交2022年的2220E表和适用的金融机构消费税表。可以通过提交2022年PWR表申请免除罚款。PWR表应与申报表分开邮寄到表上的地址。
- 对选择通过实体的指导 - 如果少付的金额超过500美元,选择通过实体将需要提交2021年的2220AL表,并与选择通过实体的表格一起提交。可以通过提交2021年PWR表来申请免除罚款。PWR表应与退税表分开邮寄到表上的地址。
- 是的,应该提交2220AL表和PWR表。
对于 2021 年 1 月 1 日或之后开始的纳税年度,《阿拉巴马州 1975 年法典》第 40-18-160 节所定义的任何阿拉巴马州 S 公司以及《阿拉巴马州 1975 年法典》第 40-18-1 节所定义的任何 K 子章实体均可选择作为选择性传递实体纳税。
The pass-through entity MUST make the election to be treated as an Electing Pass-Through Entity by submitting the Pass-Through Entity Election, Form PTE-E, at My Alabama Taxes.
- 登录到 "我的阿拉巴马州税务"。
- 转到通过实体账户。
- 点击更新选举状态链接。
- 按照指示进行选举。
The election is binding for that year and all subsequent tax years unless the entity properly elects to no longer be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity. Please note there is no paper equivalent of this online election.
No, the Electing Pass-Through Entity must submit Form PTE-E at My Alabama Taxes at any time during the tax year or on or before the 15th day of the third month following the close of that tax year for which the entity elects to be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity.
Any time during the tax year or on or before the 15th day of the third month following the close of that tax year for which the entity elects to be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity.
Yes, certain pass-through entities have until August 15, 2022, to submit Form PTE-E at My Alabama Taxes to make a valid election for the 2021 tax year. ALDOR will recognize elections to be taxed at the entity level that are filed using My Alabama Taxes no later than August 15, 2022, as elections validly made by the due date for those pass-through entities who:
- 及时提交了所需的实体和成员报税表,就像当年正确选择了一样。
- 及时支付了选择通过实体的延期付款;或
- 在各自申报的到期日之前,进行了实体层面的缴税。
Can a Pass-Through Entity revoke its election to be treated as an Electing Pass-Through Entity?
The Electing Pass-Through Entity must submit Form PTE-E at My Alabama Taxes at any time during a subsequent tax year or on or before the 15th day of the third month following the close of that tax year for which the entity elects to no longer be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity. Once logged in to My Alabama Taxes, the taxpayer will go to the Pass-Through Entity account and click on the Update Election Status link. The taxpayer will then follow the instructions to revoke the election.
What is the Electing Pass-Through Entity Tax return form and when is it due?
Pass-through entities that file an election to be an Electing Pass-Through Entity must file Form EPT, in addition to Form 65 or 20S, and pay the tax due. The Pass-Through Entity’s tax return is due on the 15th day of the third month after the close of the tax year (i.e., March 15 for calendar year filers).
Are Pass-Through Entities that elect to pay the Electing Pass-Through Entity Tax required to make estimated tax payments?
Yes, Electing Pass-Through Entities that have an Alabama income tax liability in excess of $500 must pay estimated tax. An Electing Pass-Through Entity shall be subject to the provisions of §40-18-80.1, Code of Ala. 1975, (estimated tax for corporations). The required installments shall be 25 percent of the required annual payment. Required annual payment generally means the lesser of a) 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the taxable year, or b) 100 percent of the tax shown on the return of the corporation for the preceding taxable year.
Estimated tax payments not paid by each quarterly due date will be subject to interest on the underpayment – determined by applying the underpayment rate established by 26 U.S.C. §6621 (as provided by Alabama Code Section 40-18-80.1) to the underpayment for the period of underpayment. In addition, the 10 percent penalty provided for in Alabama Code Section 40-2A-11 applies to estimated tax payments not paid by the quarterly due date.
How do I make an estimated tax payment?
Submit estimated tax payments made by check with the form PTE-V and mail to the address provided on this form. Please Note: §41-1-20, Code of Ala. 1975 requires all single tax payments of $750 or more to be made electronically.
- ACH Debit– Taxpayers making e-payments via ACH Debit must have a Sign On ID and Access Code to log in to My Alabama Taxes. Pre-registration is not necessary to make a payment on an invoice or assessment.
- ACH信贷-纳税人通过ACH信贷进行电子支付必须得到ALDOR的预先批准。要注册,请填写并提交EFT表格:EFT授权协议表。
How does the pass-through entity determine its tax liability? What is the entity-level tax rate?
The Alabama taxable income of the Electing Pass-Through Entity will be calculated in accordance with §40-18-24, Code of Ala. 1975, for Partnerships and Sections 40-18-161 and 40-18-162, Code of Ala. 1975, for S Corporations. Taxable income shall be apportioned in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of Title 40, Code of Ala. 1975. Use the total of total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K, Form 65, or Form 20S, to determine Alabama taxable income. Alabama tax paid under this provision shall not be deducted in calculating Alabama taxable income.
The tax rate is 5 percent.
Can an electing Pass-Through Entity claim a net operating loss?
No, Pursuant to Sections 40-18-24 and 40-18-161, Code of Ala. 1975, NOLs are not considered in the calculation of net income.
Can an Electing Pass-Through Entity exclude income attributable to certain owners, i.e. tax-exempt owners, when calculating tax due?
No, an Electing Pass-Through Entity’s taxable income is calculated in accordance with the provisions of §40-18-162, Code of Ala. 1975, as appropriate, and apportioned in accordance with the provisions of §40-18-27, Code of Ala. 1975.
Can an Electing Pass-Through Entity claim tax incentive credits?
ALDOR requires the use of Schedule EPT-C when claiming tax credits. The schedule allows the taxpayer to compute the total amount of tax credits allowable. The amounts entered on the Schedule EPT-C will carry over to the Form EPT, page 1. Many credits now must be claimed on the taxpayer’s My Alabama Taxes account to receive the credit and the Schedule EPT-C attached to Form EPT. For more information on credits, please visit ALDOR’s Tax Incentives page and see instructions for Schedule EPT-C.
Can an Electing Pass-Through Entity pass through tax Incentive credits to its members?
选择通过的实体将填写附表PC。附表PC上填写的金额将转入附表K和K-1。现在,许多信贷必须在纳税人的 "我的阿拉巴马州税务 "账户上申请,以获得信贷和附在65表或20S表上的附表PC。 有关抵免的更多信息,请访问ALDOR的税收优惠网页,并查看附表PC的说明。
Will an Electing Pass-Through Entity still be required to file a composite return, PTE-C, on behalf of nonresident members? No, if an entity elects to be treated as an Electing Pass-Through Entity, the composite return is not required. If an election is not made, partnerships are required to make a composite payment in accordance with §40-18-24.2, Code of Ala. 1975.
Can a Pass-Through Entity with all resident owners elect to be an Electing Pass-Through Entity? Yes, any Alabama S corporation, as is defined by §40-18-160, Code of Ala. 1975, and any Subchapter K Entity as is defined by §40-18-1, Code of Ala. 1975, may elect to be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity.
Is the date for making the election extended for the 2022 tax year? Yes, pass-through entities have until the extended due date of the return to submit Form PTE-E at My Alabama Taxes to make a valid election for the 2022 tax year.
什么时候可以在 "我的阿拉巴马州税务局 "中更新选举程序? 从2023年7月10日开始,想要进行选择的纳税人必须进入 "我的阿拉巴马州税务局",为2022年的纳税年度进行选择。
第1次付款 - 2022年4月15日
第2次付款 - 2022年6月15日
第3次付款 - 2022年9月15日
第4次付款 - 2022年12月15日
如果选择通过实体报税表(EPT)已经提交,但由于没有选择而被拒绝,我应该怎么做? 通过"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"提交PTE-E表,在延长的报税期限内,对2022年的纳税年度做出有效的选择,并向ALDOR发送"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"信息,以回应拒绝信,说明现在已经做出选择。点击这里,获取发送 "我的阿拉巴马州税务 "信息的帮助。
如果我的2022年付款已被退还,我应该怎么做? 如果付款已被退回,你应该支付应付的金额,加上任何被退回的利息,并要求免除罚款。要申请免除罚款,在登录"我的阿拉巴马州税务局 "后,在"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"的主页上选择 "其他行动",在 "反馈 "面板上选择 "提出问题",选择通过实体并选择纳税期。输入你的要求或解释,并使用 "添加 "标签上传任何附件。收到后,我们将处理您的请求或通过回复您的请求来回答任何问题。
如果我的2022年的付款已被退回,但退款支票没有兑现,我应该怎么办? 如果款项已经退还,但支票还没有兑现,你可以将支票寄回ALDOR的通过实体税务部门,并向ALDOR发送 "我的阿拉巴马州税务"信息,说明现在已经做出选择,退还支票。收到后,我们将处理你的请求或通过回复你的请求来回答任何问题。
如果业主的个人报税表由于EPT的拒绝而被调整为拒绝退还信贷,我应该怎么做?转让实体应在延长的申报截止日期前通过"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"提交PTE-E表,以便在2022年的纳税年度做出有效的选择,并向ALDOR发送 "我的阿拉巴马州税务局"信息以回应拒绝信,说明现在已经做出选择。然后,受拒绝影响的个人退税将被适当地调整。
我如何收到在线信息,以设置 "我的阿拉巴马州税务局 "账户,并有通过实体的权限? 一张卡片被邮寄到实体的邮寄地址,上面有通过实体的在线注册信息。该邮件包含账号、登录ID和访问代码,让你进入"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"的直通实体账户。如果你没有这些信息,你可以要求我们邮寄一张新卡到记录的地址。该信息不能邮寄到记录地址以外的任何其他地址。请在延长的选举截止日期前留出30天的时间,以便检索信息,建立"我的阿拉巴马州税务"账户。
如何在我的税务账户上看到退税和付款? 在通过实体账户的"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"主页上,选择 "申报或查看申报单和期数",下一页将默认为申报单的列表。从列表中选择要查看的报税表。在退税表的顶部,选择 "期间和余额"。该页将列出该期间收到的退税和付款活动。
该延期是否适用于2021年的纳税年度? 不,某些转手实体在2022年8月15日之前通过"我的阿拉巴马州税务局"提交PTE-E表,以便在2021年纳税年度做出有效选择。
Electing Pass-Through Entity FAQ – 2023 updates (updated October 21, 2024)
Is the date for making the election extended for the 2023. tax year? Yes, pass-through entities have until the extended due date of the return to submit Form PTE-E at My Alabama Taxes to make a valid election for the 2023 tax year.
What is the extended due date for the return (Form EPT)? Electing Pass-Through Entity returns and payments are due on the 15th day of the third month following the close of the pass-through entity’s taxable year. The entity is granted an automatic six-month extension of time for filing the Electing Pass-Through Entity return. For calendar year taxpayers, the extended due date is September 16, 2024.
Is the date for making the payment extended for the 2023 tax year? No, the full amount of the tax liability is due by the original due date of the return
Estimated tax payment due dates for calendar year filers:
Payment 1 – April 15
Payment 2 – June 15
Payment 3 – September 15
Payment 4 – December 15
Estimated tax payment due dates for fiscal year filers:
Will be due on the 15th day of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and 12th months of the fiscal year.
How do I calculate the amount of estimated quarterly tax payments due? The required estimated quarterly payments will be 25 percent of the “required annual payment.” The required annual payment generally means the lessor of 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the taxable year or 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the preceding tax year.
Except as noted below, this safe-harbor rule will apply to Electing PTEs making estimated payments only when an entity is transitioning to an Electing Pass-Through Entity (§810-3-36-.01, Code of Ala. 1975). The following calculations should be used for the required annual payment:
PTEs (other than S-Corporations): Calculate the total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K from the PTE’s Form 65, then multiply this total by 5 percent.
Please Note: If a Subchapter K entity has a loss for the prior year, the current year EPT liability is used to compute the estimated payments.
S-Corporations: Calculate the total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K from the S-Corporation’s Form 20S, then multiply this total by 5 percent.
Please Note: If an electing S-Corporation reported a loss on lines 1-17 , the safe-harbor rule will not apply.
Electing Pass-Through Entity FAQ – 2024 updates (updated October 21, 2024)
When is a Pass-Through Entity required to make the election for the 2024 tax year? Any time during the tax year on or before the due date for filing the applicable income tax return, including any extensions which have been granted following the close of that tax year for which the entity elects to be taxed as an Electing Pass-Through Entity. Submit Form PTE-E at My Alabama Taxes to make a valid election for the 2024 tax year.
What is the extended due date for the return (Form EPT)? Electing Pass-Through Entity returns and payments are due on the 15th day of the third month following the close of the pass-through entity’s taxable year. The entity is granted an automatic six-month extension of time for filing the Electing Pass-Through Entity return. For calendar year taxpayers, the extended due date is September 15, 2025.
Is the date for making the payment extended for the 2024 tax year? No, the full amount of the tax liability is due by the original due date of the return.
Estimated tax payment due dates for calendar year filers:
Payment 1 – April 15
Payment 2 – June 15
Payment 3 – September 15
Payment 4 – December 15
Estimated tax payment due dates for fiscal year filers:
Will be due on the 15th day of the fourth, sixth, ninth, and 12th months of the fiscal year.
How do I calculate the amount of estimated quarterly tax payments due? The required estimated quarterly payments will be 25 percent of the “required annual payment.” The required annual payment generally means the lessor of 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the taxable year or 100 percent of the tax shown on the return for the preceding tax year.
Except as noted below, this safe-harbor rule will apply to Electing PTEs making estimated payments only when an entity is transitioning to an Electing Pass-Through Entity (§810-3-36-.01, Code of Ala. 1975). The following calculations should be used for the required annual payment:
PTEs (other than S-Corporations): Calculate the total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K from the PTEs Form 65, then multiply this total by 5 percent.
Please Note: If a Subchapter K entity has a loss for the prior year, the current year EPT liability is used to compute the estimated payments.
S-Corporations: Calculate the total of lines 1 through 17 in the Alabama column on Schedule K from the S-Corporation’s Form 20S, then multiply this total by 5 percent.
Please Note: If an electing S-Corporation reported a loss on lines 1-17, the safe-harbor rule will not apply.