





  • 如何使用Excel电子表格来创建A-1/A-6文件


  1. Download and save the A-1/A-6 Bulk Filing Spreadsheet . (Updated: 02/24/2024) (Use for files to upload after January 27, 2024.)
  2. Enter your A-1/A-6 information into the spreadsheet. More information about the various fields on the spreadsheet is available on the A-1/A-6 File Layout Description page. After you finish entering all your information, save your .xls file. NOTE: Please make sure that you have entered information in all the fields that are required. The required fields are noted in the column headings.
  3. 点击红色按钮 "点击这里导出到文本文件 "来创建你的A1/A6文件。一个菜单框会出现。选择一个你想保存文件的位置。
  4. 请记下你的A1/A6文件的名称和位置。
  5. To upload your file, log in to My Alabama Taxes.
  6. Select the AGT (Agent) account. On the next page, select “Upload Bulk File” from the panel on the left, then select A1/A6 Bulk Return File from the menu on the next page.
  7. On the Bulk A1/A6 Upload page, click Attach File.  Enter a Description of the file, Browse for the file to upload, then click Save. Note: Please make sure you are uploading the .txt file instead of your saved Excel (.xls) spreadsheet. The system cannot process the file if it is saved as an Excel (.xls) worksheet.
  8. To view the results of your file, click on the Valid A1/A6(s) or Invalid A1/A6(s) hyperlink. If the results are Valid, click Submit to process your file. If Results are Partially Rejected with Valid and Invalid accounts, then you can Submit your file, but only Valid accounts will be processed.
  9. 如果结果是无效的,您必须纠正所有错误,然后重新提交您的文件。打开您的A1/A6批量文件电子表格的原始Excel(.xls)版本,并进行必要的修改。点击红色区域,创建你的新文件。按照前面的步骤,上传您的新A1/A6批量文件。
  10. 你将收到你的文件的申请号码。一旦文件中的账户被处理,你将在 "信息 "选项卡中收到一条信息,其中包含你的批量申报者确认和请求号码。点击批量申报者确认的超链接,查看每个被处理的账户的跟踪(确认)号码。