ONE SPOT proporciona un sistema de presentación y envío electrónico de impuestos sobre ventas, uso, arrendamiento y alojamiento a través de My Alabama Taxes.
My Alabama Taxes Instructions
Códigos de bloque de débito
If you have debit block on your bank account, please provide the following two originating company ID #s to your bank for payments made through My Alabama Taxes:
- For ALDOR state tax payments and state-administered local payments: MAT6045055
- For non-state administered (NSA) local payments through My Alabama Taxes: 2621862182
Los pagos rechazados por problemas de bloqueo de débito pueden dar lugar a sanciones e intereses por impago.
Las declaraciones presentadas electrónicamente para las jurisdicciones no administradas por el estado deben ser pagadas electrónicamente. Si no se resuelven los problemas de bloqueo de débito en curso, la jurisdicción puede no acusar recibo de la declaración de impuestos asociada presentada electrónicamente, lo que produce avisos de morosidad y sanciones por no presentarla a tiempo.
Plantillas de retorno
For taxpayers who wish to upload their return data into My Alabama Taxes, the templates below must be used. You must first save the template to your computer to be able to save your changes.
Plantilla | Descripción |
Impuesto estatal sobre el alojamiento | Este modelo debe utilizarse para declarar el impuesto estatal sobre el alojamiento del 4% o el 5%. |
Local Sales, Use, Rental and Lodgings Tax | For return periods September 2016 forward: this template is to be used to report the local sales, use, rental and lodgings tax for all state and non-state administered* localities. *If using the ACH credit payment method, non-state administered localities that do not accept ACH credit payments cannot be filed through My Alabama Taxes. |
- Electronic Payment Information (ACH Debit and ACH Credit)
- Devoluciones no administradas por el Estado:
For local government entities needing ONE SPOT information, go to the County and Local Governments ONE SPOT page.
Preparadores de impuestos
Third party/bulk filing is a method for third-party tax preparers to submit multiple clients’ returns in a single file upload or individually access a client’s account to file for them. To receive third party/bulk filing status, you must submit the application to become a bulk filer. Once approved, you will receive an agent account that you can use to sign on to My Alabama Taxes. With an agent account, and your client’s approval, you will be able to file returns and submit payments on your client’s behalf using a single logon.
- Solicitud para convertirse en declarante en bloque
- Instrucciones para la presentación de solicitudes por parte de terceros y a granel
If you experience any difficulties signing up for or using My Alabama Taxes, please contact:
- Sales and Use Tax Division: 334-242-1490 or 1-866-576-6531
- Su centro de servicio al contribuyente local
- Correo electrónico: