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FAQ Kategorien / Steuern: Haftpflichtversicherung

Ein MLI-Überprüfungsbescheid wird per Post an die Adresse in der Fahrzeugregistrierung und/oder per E-Mail (falls eine E-Mail-Adresse vorhanden ist) an die Registranten geschickt, in dem sie um den Nachweis des Versicherungsschutzes für das Fahrzeug am Überprüfungstag gebeten werden. Wenn innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach der MLI-Überprüfungsmitteilung keine Antwort eingeht, das Nummernschild nicht innerhalb von 30 Tagen abgegeben wurde oder die Versicherung nicht vom DOR überprüft werden kann, wird dem Registranten ein NOS zugeschickt, in dem mitgeteilt wird, dass seine Zulassung ausgesetzt wurde.

Ask the insurer to visit the Be Sure to Insure Alabama website to provide to ALDOR confirmation of coverage on the vehicle for the requested verification date as shown on the verification notice. The insurer must provide the confirmation on the insurer's letterhead and submit it from the insurer’s email address so we know the response is being provided directly from the insurer.

Registranten müssen den Zulassungsbeamten bei der Zulassung des Fahrzeugs Versicherungsinformationen (Policennummer, NAIC-Nummer, Policentyp), einschließlich Aktualisierungen, zur Verfügung stellen. Diese Informationen werden vom DOR verwendet, um die Fahrzeugversicherung mit Hilfe des Online Insurance Verification System (OIVS) zu überprüfen.

Visit your local licensing official to pay the required reinstatement fee ($200 for first suspension; $400 for second and subsequent suspensions) and provide evidence of current Alabama liability insurance coverage.

ALDOR uses the Online Insurance Verification System (OIVS) to determine if owners are maintaining liability insurance in accordance with the mandatory liability insurance (MLI) law by the following methods:

  • ALDOR reviews motor vehicle registrations using a real time verification process directly with the insurance companies on every vehicle registered in the state that is subject to the MLI law.
  • ALDOR receives notice that the Alabama driver’s license associated with the vehicle registration has been suspended or revoked by the Department of Public Safety.
  • ALDOR receives notice that there was a ticket issued for failure or refusal to comply with a request by a law enforcement officer for display of evidence of insurance coverage on the vehicle.
  • ALDOR will follow-up on any unconfirmed responses received from the insurer by sending a questionnaire to the registrant in an attempt to obtain updated policy information (ALDOR also has asked insurers to provide a monthly file of active policies to ensure registration records are updated for confirmation of coverage).

No. If the vehicle was in exempt (stored, inoperable, or other unused) status, the registrant should visit their local licensing official to claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee. A registrant may claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee once during the registration period by applying to the local licensing official to revoke the vehicle’s registration for the remainder of the registration period and be exempted from the reinstatement fee. See Admin. Rule 810-5-8-.06 for further details.


The online insurance verification system (OIVS) uses web services for real-time verification of policy information with insurers. The OIVS is accessible to ALDOR, licensing officials, and law enforcement. If OIVS does not return a “confirmed” response, the registrant will be required to present the evidence of insurance document. ALDOR will continue to attempt to verify the policy information submitted and will follow up on any unconfirmed responses received from the insurer by sending a verification notice to the registrant.

Differences between the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), insurance policy number, or National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number provided to local licensing officials could result in the insurer being unable to verify insurance coverage for the vehicle. To determine a possible VIN discrepancy, you should check the VIN listed on your insurance card and registration receipt to find any discrepancies. If the VIN on your insurance card is incorrect, you should contact your insurer to get the information corrected. If you believe the VIN reflected on your registration receipt is incorrect, you should check with your local licensing official.

Not necessarily. On a periodic basis, ALDOR attempts to verify insurance for all registered vehicles. If insurance coverage cannot be verified for a vehicle, ALDOR will mail an MLI verification notice to the address on the vehicle registration and/or email the registrant (if email address is available) asking for evidence of insurance on the vehicle.

Wiedereinsetzungsgebühren werden nur fällig, wenn das Fahrzeug zum Zeitpunkt der Überprüfung der Versicherung nicht versichert war oder nicht für eine Befreiung in Frage kam (verkauft, eingelagert, nicht betriebsfähig usw.).

No. You should either go to the Be Sure to Insure Alabama website , visit your local licensing office or contact the MVD.

If insurance coverage cannot be verified, variances between the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), insurance policy number or National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number provided to local licensing officials could result in the insurer being unable to verify insurance coverage for the vehicle.

To determine a possible VIN discrepancy, you should check the VIN listed on your insurance card and registration receipt to find any discrepancies. If the VIN on your insurance card is incorrect, you should contact your insurer to get the information corrected. If you believe the VIN reflected on the registration receipt is incorrect, you should check with your local licensing official.

Visit your local licensing official to claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee. A registrant may claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee, once during the registration period by applying to the local licensing official to revoke the vehicle's registration for the remainder of the registration period and be exempted from the reinstatement fee. See Admin. Rule 810-5-8-.06 for further details.

ALDOR will use the information to attempt to verify your insurance coverage with the insurer.

  • If the insurance is verified (i.e. confirmed) successfully, the MLI record will be closed.
  • If the insurance is not verified (i.e. unconfirmed), you should contact your insurer and request that the insurer provide evidence of insurance coverage (statement on insurer’s letterhead) for the vehicle on the insurance verification date.

Visit your local licensing official to pay the required reinstatement fee ($200 for first suspension; $400 for second and subsequent suspensions) and provide evidence of current Alabama liability insurance coverage.

If the vehicle was in exempt (stored, inoperable, or other unused) status, then visit your local licensing official to claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee. A registrant may claim the stored, inoperable, or otherwise unused exemption from the reinstatement fee once during the registration period by applying to the local licensing official to revoke the vehicle’s registration for the remainder of the registration period and be exempted from the reinstatement fee. See Admin. Rule 810-5-8-.06 for further details.

The registrant will need to visit their local licensing official to provide documentation (bill of sale, etc.) to complete the revocation process.

The vehicle registration reinstatement fee provided for in the MLI law is a separate fee from the ticket fines related to tickets issued by law enforcement and assessed by the Administrative Office of Courts (AOC) or the local court system.

In accordance with Section 32-7A-12, Code of Alabama 1975, the department will suspend the vehicle registration of any motor vehicle determined to be in violation of Section 32-7A-4, Code of Alabama 1975.

  • In the case of a first violation, the department shall terminate the suspension upon payment of a reinstatement fee of $200 and the submission of proof of current insurance coverage on the vehicle.
  • In the case of the second or subsequent violation, the department shall terminate the suspension upon payment of a reinstatement fee of $400 and submission of proof of current insurance coverage on the vehicle.

The MLI law administered by ALDOR deals with vehicle registration.

The MLI law administered by ALEA deals with the driver license. Please contact the law enforcement agency reflected on your citation for more information if needed.

Jedes in Alabama zugelassene Kraftfahrzeug muss durch eine Alabama-Haftpflichtversicherung gedeckt sein. Ein Registrant kann sich an seine Versicherungsgesellschaft wenden, um die OOS-Police in eine Alabama-Police umzuwandeln. Wenn eine Umwandlung in eine Alabama-Police möglich ist, muss sich der Registrant mit seinem Versicherer in Verbindung setzen, um dem DOR über das Upload-Portal unter www.besuretoinsureal.com sowohl die am Verifizierungsdatum geltende OOS-Police als auch die aktuellen Alabama-Policeninformationen zu übermitteln. Beide Policen müssen bestätigt werden, um die Aussetzung der Fahrzeugzulassung zu verhindern.
Ja. Gemäß Code Section 32-7A-11 muss der Fahrzeughalter eine neue Zulassung erwerben. Es fallen alle geltenden Zulassungsgebühren, einschließlich zusätzlicher Gebühren und Ausstellungsgebühren, an. Der Zulassungsinhaber hat die Möglichkeit, für den Rest des Zulassungsjahres ein Standard- oder God Bless America-Kennzeichen zu erwerben, so dass die zusätzliche Zulassungsgebühr von 50 Dollar nicht fällig wird. Wenn das Nummernschild mit einer persönlichen Nachricht versehen ist, kann die persönliche Nachricht des Registranten zum Zeitpunkt der Erneuerung erneut gewählt werden. Beachten Sie, dass die zusätzliche Gebühr nicht anteilig berechnet werden kann (40-12-258).
Ja. Gemäß Code Section 32-7A-11 muss der Fahrzeughalter eine neue Zulassung erwerben. Es fallen alle geltenden Zulassungsgebühren, einschließlich zusätzlicher Gebühren und Ausstellungsgebühren, an. Der Zulassungsinhaber hat die Möglichkeit, für den Rest des Zulassungsjahres ein Standard- oder God Bless America-Kennzeichen zu erwerben, so dass die zusätzliche Zulassungsgebühr von 50 Dollar nicht fällig wird. Wenn das Nummernschild mit einer persönlichen Nachricht versehen ist, kann die persönliche Nachricht des Registranten zum Zeitpunkt der Erneuerung erneut gewählt werden. Beachten Sie, dass die zusätzliche Gebühr nicht anteilig berechnet werden kann (40-12-258).

Visit your local licensing official to surrender the license plate within 30 calendar days of the MLI verification notice. Failure to do so will result in suspension of your vehicle registration.