I am located in Alabama and want to distribute cigars at wholesale in Alabama and to other states. I will receive these cigars from suppliers in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other states. What are my filing requirements?
I am located in Alabama and want to distribute cigars at wholesale in Alabama and to other states. I will receive these cigars from suppliers in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other states. What are my filing requirements?
I understand that under Alabama Income Tax Law an amount up to $10,000 for taxpayers filing Married filing Joint can be deducted on your Alabama tax return if you contribute to a College Counts Alabama 529 Savings Plan, but does each taxpayer have to write a check for $5,000, or is one check for $10,000 from either spouse acceptable?
My business entity type (corporation, LLC, proprietorship, partnership, etc.) changed, but my federal employee identification number remained the same. Do I need a new state withholding tax account number?
How does an entity elect to be treated as a “family limited liability entity” and therefore subject to the $500 cap provided for under the privilege tax statute?