Electronic filing of personal property is available statewide through official websites. To file a business personal property return electronically, select the county in which property is located to be redirected to the appropriate website.
Choose a county from the links below to file an electronic personal property return:
Autauga | 334-358-6771 | Dallas | 334-874-2535 | Marion | 205-921-4996 |
Baldwin | 251-937-0245 | DeKalb | 256-845-8515 | Marshall | 256-571-7743 |
Barbour | 334-687-7630 | Elmore | 334-567-1428 | Mobil | 251-574-4721 |
Lätzchen | 205-926-3105 | Escambia | 251-368-8078 | Monroe | 251-743-4107 |
Blount | 205-973-0675 | Etowah | 256-549-8115 | Montgomery | 334-832-1303 |
Bullock | 334-738-2888 | Fayette | 205-932-6081 | Morgan | 256-351-4694 |
Butler | 334-382-3221 | Franklin | 256-332-8838 | Perry | 334-683-2221 |
Calhoun | 256-241-2840 | Genf | 334-684-5713 | Pickens | 205-367-2040 |
Kammern | 334-864-4379 | Greene | 205-372-3202 | Hecht | 334-566-7270 |
Cherokee | 256-927-5527 | Hale | 334-624-0705 | Randolph | 256-357-4343 |
Chilton | 205-755-0160 | Henry | 334-585-1379 | Russell | 334-298-6319 |
Choctaw | 205-459-2042 | Houston | 334-677-4718 | St. Clair | 205-338-9461 |
Clarke | 251-275-3010 | Jackson | 256-574-9390 | Shelby | 205-670-6900 |
Lehm | 256-354-4833 | Jefferson | 205-325-5505 | Sumter | 205-652-2707 |
Cleburne | 256-463-5419 | Lamar | 205-695-9994 | Talladega | 256-480-7057 |
Kaffee | 334-894-6085 | Lauderdale | 256-760-5785 | Tallapoosa | 256-825-1099 |
Colbert | 256-386-8530 | Lawrence | 256-974-2457 | Tuscaloosa | 205-349-3870 |
Conecuh | 251-578-7026 | Lee | 334-737-3655 | Walker | 205-384-7298 |
Coosa | 256-377-2684 | Kalkstein | 256-233-6433 | Washington | 251-847-3886 |
Covington | 334-428-2632 | Lowndes | 334-548-2588 | Wilcox | 334-682-9731 |
Crenshaw | 334-335-6568 | Macon | 334-724-2607 | Winston | 205-489-5263 |
Cullman | 256-775-4862 | Madison | 256-532-3350 | ||
Dale | 334-774-7208 | Marengo | 334-295-2214 |